Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry CHRISTmas!!!
Oh my goodness I love this!!!!!I’ve been wanting to tell you about Jackie Porterfield. She is amazing investigator. She is17 and has been coming to church for a while now and her step mom won’t allow her to be baptize because of all the crazy stuff she hears. Jackie knows the truth and is going to stay firm in her decision to be baptized. She has the baptism date set for the 8th of April on the day of her 18th birthday. She thinks she will be kicked out of her house if it is any sooner then her 18th birthday. Our last lesson was great and she will be praying about being baptized sooner. She knows its true and wants to enter the waters of baptism. We will be praying for the softening of her step-mothers and fathers heart.
I’m also really excited about another 17 young women named Gennie. She is a niece of a recently reactivated member who is on fire and wanted to share the gospel with her whole family. Gennie surprised us her Aunt Stevi by the interest she is taking. It all so great!My Birthday was great even though I was sick. I received the best kind of mail ever from Caitlin Sheppard from Radford that I taught in the beginning. She wrote about her baptism and the people who attended and then a genuine and sincere testimony. It was the best. Plus Sister Larsen ( Jennifer) now that she is home sent me some great stuff along with some dirtballs and Carmel brownies. Not to mention all the presents and letters from you all. I’ve already found some prefect owners for the little CTR bracelets and rings. It was amazing that a Less Active member was looking for just that and you were inspired to send me that and I was able to give it to her. It was perfect.I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful it has been and the Christmas spirit here. My heart is so full of love for the Savoir. This truly is the best.
I can’t tell you how much love I feel from everyone. I got the most thoughtful gifts ever. Thank you so much for all the wonderful Christmas letters. Our Christmas zone conference was on Monday and we drove up To Buena Vista where President Cowley came and picked up our Zone. He drove the 18 passenger van. The Zone leaders took there car and then we all headed to Charleston. President drove us past the Green Brier where a lot of the Presidents of the US have stayed... it starts at $450.00 a night there!!!! Ouch is all I can say. The drive to Charleston went by pretty fast and we all had a lot of fun talking in the van, President telling stories of his encounters with Spencer W. Kimball and just laughing. President all treated us to McDonalds (which he loves). When we got into Charleston we had a message from President and Sister Cowley and from the AP's. I felt the spirit so strong as one of the Elders shared how much love he has for the gospel. I wanted to get up right then and share my testimony. For our Mission President and Wife we all chipped in and brought certain pieces to the whole Willow nativity set. We were in charge of the lambs and sheep. Sister Ryder and I ended up writing a little poem to share how the Cowley’s were like sheep.
I have a sincere love for theses two servants of the Lord and the spirit was deep in my heart as we shared how much the Cowleys meant to us. After eating theses chicken salad thing on a croissant things we went caroling in front of Krogers Grocery store(to help out the Salvation Army) . Just imagine 25 of us with our name tags standing in the freezing cold singing way off tune but singing our little heart off. I loved standing next to President Cowley with his boisterous voice in my ear. I’m pretty sure I was off tune the whole time. It was really neat to see the different attitude in giving, just because a bunch of young adults were singing. Testimony meeting after that was pretty powerful. I was so excited to share my testimony more so then other conferences. I know it was due to the wonderful spirit that was in that home. You know the home is one of the closes places we can come to the temple. And since we don’t have the privilege of a temple we made the spirit dwell in the mission home.
The spirit testified to me of many things I could never deny. I love that warm peaceful spirit and I’m grateful it testifies to others because with out it no one would be converted. After that President and Sister Cowley presented us with Christmas ornaments that meant the world to him. It was simple 35 cents. That’s right a Virginia quarter and a dime. And the extra dime meant he loved us. There was a pretty neat story that went along with it. Then they brought out all the wonderful letters from our families. It was like the best Christmas Zone Conference.I love you all sooooooo muchI love to see the growth in all of you and how I’ve got the best family ever!Had a pretty neat conversation with a member who had some similar family experience and I know I was sent here to comfort her.
Love you all again and have a Wonderful CHRISTmas. With all that joyous stuff.Mom- That photo album was the neatest thing I’ve ever seen. That was so creative and cute. I’m so glad you are my mom and I get to learn from your wonderful self.Dad- Thank you so much for noticing and remembering the positive things. All the things you said in your letter were just what I needed. Your too nice to me. I really can’t wait to get back and get you real gift that I can feel good about.Siblings- I love hearing from you all. I just can’t wait to see all those babies being born!!Grandma and Grandpa –thanks for the beautiful cards and the beautiful green money. How did you know I wanted that? I love hearing from you cause you two are great examples to me.
Sister Barrand
HO HO HO Merry Christmas
I’m also really excited about another 17 young women named Gennie. She is a niece of a recently reactivated member who is on fire and wanted to share the gospel with her whole family. Gennie surprised us her Aunt Stevi by the interest she is taking. It all so great!My Birthday was great even though I was sick. I received the best kind of mail ever from Caitlin Sheppard from Radford that I taught in the beginning. She wrote about her baptism and the people who attended and then a genuine and sincere testimony. It was the best. Plus Sister Larsen ( Jennifer) now that she is home sent me some great stuff along with some dirtballs and Carmel brownies. Not to mention all the presents and letters from you all. I’ve already found some prefect owners for the little CTR bracelets and rings. It was amazing that a Less Active member was looking for just that and you were inspired to send me that and I was able to give it to her. It was perfect.I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful it has been and the Christmas spirit here. My heart is so full of love for the Savoir. This truly is the best.
I can’t tell you how much love I feel from everyone. I got the most thoughtful gifts ever. Thank you so much for all the wonderful Christmas letters. Our Christmas zone conference was on Monday and we drove up To Buena Vista where President Cowley came and picked up our Zone. He drove the 18 passenger van. The Zone leaders took there car and then we all headed to Charleston. President drove us past the Green Brier where a lot of the Presidents of the US have stayed... it starts at $450.00 a night there!!!! Ouch is all I can say. The drive to Charleston went by pretty fast and we all had a lot of fun talking in the van, President telling stories of his encounters with Spencer W. Kimball and just laughing. President all treated us to McDonalds (which he loves). When we got into Charleston we had a message from President and Sister Cowley and from the AP's. I felt the spirit so strong as one of the Elders shared how much love he has for the gospel. I wanted to get up right then and share my testimony. For our Mission President and Wife we all chipped in and brought certain pieces to the whole Willow nativity set. We were in charge of the lambs and sheep. Sister Ryder and I ended up writing a little poem to share how the Cowley’s were like sheep.
I have a sincere love for theses two servants of the Lord and the spirit was deep in my heart as we shared how much the Cowleys meant to us. After eating theses chicken salad thing on a croissant things we went caroling in front of Krogers Grocery store(to help out the Salvation Army) . Just imagine 25 of us with our name tags standing in the freezing cold singing way off tune but singing our little heart off. I loved standing next to President Cowley with his boisterous voice in my ear. I’m pretty sure I was off tune the whole time. It was really neat to see the different attitude in giving, just because a bunch of young adults were singing. Testimony meeting after that was pretty powerful. I was so excited to share my testimony more so then other conferences. I know it was due to the wonderful spirit that was in that home. You know the home is one of the closes places we can come to the temple. And since we don’t have the privilege of a temple we made the spirit dwell in the mission home.
The spirit testified to me of many things I could never deny. I love that warm peaceful spirit and I’m grateful it testifies to others because with out it no one would be converted. After that President and Sister Cowley presented us with Christmas ornaments that meant the world to him. It was simple 35 cents. That’s right a Virginia quarter and a dime. And the extra dime meant he loved us. There was a pretty neat story that went along with it. Then they brought out all the wonderful letters from our families. It was like the best Christmas Zone Conference.I love you all sooooooo muchI love to see the growth in all of you and how I’ve got the best family ever!Had a pretty neat conversation with a member who had some similar family experience and I know I was sent here to comfort her.
Love you all again and have a Wonderful CHRISTmas. With all that joyous stuff.Mom- That photo album was the neatest thing I’ve ever seen. That was so creative and cute. I’m so glad you are my mom and I get to learn from your wonderful self.Dad- Thank you so much for noticing and remembering the positive things. All the things you said in your letter were just what I needed. Your too nice to me. I really can’t wait to get back and get you real gift that I can feel good about.Siblings- I love hearing from you all. I just can’t wait to see all those babies being born!!Grandma and Grandpa –thanks for the beautiful cards and the beautiful green money. How did you know I wanted that? I love hearing from you cause you two are great examples to me.
Sister Barrand
HO HO HO Merry Christmas
Friday, December 07, 2007
Crazy I'm in a new area, in Lynchburg Virginia that means I’m at a new Library that will not kick me off and I’m able to send pictures again. Yeah!!! That means you can still send pictures to me. But no showing up.ya hear!I want to let you know that it was real hard to leave Bridgeport but I’m glad I’m here. I think I have grown the most out of my whole mission from serving in Bridgeport and serving with Sister Larsen. I can even begin to tell you how amazing she was. It was also really hard to say goodbye to a best friend.
At least I know I will see her in Utah in a few months. She had set such an amazing example of a extraordinary missionary that I hope I carry to my future areas. Sister Larsen and I never fought once. I t was the best. We both loved teaching together and were on the same page. I never had to worry about anything that was coming out of her month. I knew that everything would be missionary appropriate and what they needed to hear. As Jake and Sue say she was the peach and I was the plum. I wanted to be a Pear but Sue thought other wise. It was real hard to say goodbye to all the wonderful people there. It was a totally surprise to me that I was leaving. So on the last Sunday everyone knew Larsen was going but we didn’t expect that I would be leaving as well. Sister Hatch had only been there for 6 week and that is a big difference to 6 month with the same two sisters. The sisters in the ward through and little lunch together for sister Larsen Leaving at our favorite place Panera and killed two birds with one stone and called it visit teaching.
Brad Ford our Land Lord/ Funeral Director was heart broken and we were as well. He also threw together a little something. It was a party for Lars and I with pizza and Ice cream Cake(my favorite, for my B-day). It got a little teary eye you can say that we became really close to the people here. It was also hard to say good bye to the Krolls. But hopefully I will be able to see them baptized in Feb. This area was my favorite Bishop. Bishop Haw’s wife would always try to marry us off to her Boys. It didn’t work that well. She said at least get married and come back and live in Zion. She was a hoot. All these people are hoot. Transfers were long it was Snowing and it looked like Colorado. I t took two hours to get to transfer. There I had to say good bye to Lars and Get back with Sister Ryder for a five hour drive to Lynchburg. The snow was real fluffy. I already like this area. It seams so much more established and well kept.
My new apartment is just two rooms basically. It a big difference when you come from the palace of the funeral home. I actually don’t think I mind one bit. Everything is closer I can take one step from the bathroom to our bedroom, five from our bedroom to the Kitchen/living room and another five to the front room. I’m glad to be serving with Sister Ryder again. She made me feel real good last night after one lesson saying that I have changed for the better. Of course I don’t really see that but I feel a lot more comfortable teaching. It’s pretty neat what you can pick up from great companions!I’m excited to meet new people and share my love with them.
My New Address is
1192 Homestead Gardens Court #3
Forest, VA 24551
( doesn’t that sound ritzy!)
Love you all so muchSister BarrandP.S. I still don’t know if you received my picture for the family picture?P.P.S. Oh and I didn’t do much better than Austin with not opening the presents. I waited at least 4 days. Except one gift that I’m going to save for my Birthday or Christmas. I had to open them for the comps (they really wanted to know). They were great gift though, just what the doctor ordered.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Well sound like you all had a great time for Thanks Giving. I did as well. Different members feed us for lunch, dinner and dessert. I paced myself so I would get overloaded. So we got a lot of leftovers and we are still working on them. We went around the table and said what we are thankful for of course and I mentioned that I was thankful for my family and Being on a mission. Being on a mission has given me an opportunity to grow and learn in the gospel, which I’m especially thankful for. A knowledge of a everlasting perfect
Plan for us has got to be the best. Although I get down sometime, I never regret this decision. This truly is the best thing I can be a part of. Actually Austin’s letter helped me out. I’ve been going through some weak moments and Austin’s letter was really uplifting and inspired me to. He said exactly what I needed and I’ve been doing soooo much better. This week we taught Shannon Kellie about the Youth Standard and we are helping her out and going to try and find some modest clean cut clothes for her. She is kind of into the whole gothic look so this might be fun.
The Krolls, Jake and Sue are doing well we have a big hold up with Sue’s smoking. Until she has a desire she can’t really quit and progress. And it seems that it’s holding back Jake as well. But they sure do seem tons happier and they are all about reading. We are disappointed in them for not coming to church because they had to cut up a deer, but Jake gave us the deer heart to eat to make up for not coming to church. He really doesn’t understand the whole process but he get it soon. Sister Larsen was all about dissecting that heart before we eat it. She going to be a nurse so she likes that kind of stuff. It will be fun to watch on our P-day activties. Actually this will be our last P-day together because she goes back home to Utah next week. I’m really sad about that whole situation. Bridgeport will not be the same. We have been here together for 6 months and I think I might cry.
Last week for p-day we went into a Ghost tunnel with the senior Couple Elder and Sister Appel. The scary part was Sister Appel jumping out of the wall. Speaking of ghosts for Gospel Principle our lesson was on ghosts, not the Holy Ghost but ghosts, goblins and elves. Luckily we did not have any investigator there for there first time scared out of their minds but we did have 2 recent convert there. Totally inappropriate for Gospel Principals, but what can you do?
The short had to reschedule again last week but we will have a great lesson this week. We meet some crazy people while tracking this week. Some of the best door slams on my whole entire mission. One of them were a little bit Satanist and screaming some Santanist things and the other just looked at us, laughed and slammed the door. I’m with Austin with tracking, Sometimes you just got to do it.
There was a part member family that we were teaching the wife and the RM husband wasn’t the best example and in courage her to learn her own religion first before she studies with us. So we had kind of dropped her but I this clear impression that we needed to go ove there. Surprsing they were both home and we could have lesson with them. We found out some pretty deep reason why he stopped going to church. I t was the most productive lesson we have ever had with them and Brooke the wife was helping us out and explaning our religion to him. It was pretty cool.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Mom do you think you could send my hair license, I only need the little copy. I’m also wondering if you opened the boxed that had your name on them because there is a letter for you in that and the clothes that need to be returned
As for the date of my release I’m going to be extending until April 10, 2008. I’m going to assume that we still live in the same house; we attend the Falcon Ward and the same Highlands Ranch Stake, with the same Stake President?
Wait is Danica moving to Huston? i want to see that baby!
Plan for us has got to be the best. Although I get down sometime, I never regret this decision. This truly is the best thing I can be a part of. Actually Austin’s letter helped me out. I’ve been going through some weak moments and Austin’s letter was really uplifting and inspired me to. He said exactly what I needed and I’ve been doing soooo much better. This week we taught Shannon Kellie about the Youth Standard and we are helping her out and going to try and find some modest clean cut clothes for her. She is kind of into the whole gothic look so this might be fun.
The Krolls, Jake and Sue are doing well we have a big hold up with Sue’s smoking. Until she has a desire she can’t really quit and progress. And it seems that it’s holding back Jake as well. But they sure do seem tons happier and they are all about reading. We are disappointed in them for not coming to church because they had to cut up a deer, but Jake gave us the deer heart to eat to make up for not coming to church. He really doesn’t understand the whole process but he get it soon. Sister Larsen was all about dissecting that heart before we eat it. She going to be a nurse so she likes that kind of stuff. It will be fun to watch on our P-day activties. Actually this will be our last P-day together because she goes back home to Utah next week. I’m really sad about that whole situation. Bridgeport will not be the same. We have been here together for 6 months and I think I might cry.
Last week for p-day we went into a Ghost tunnel with the senior Couple Elder and Sister Appel. The scary part was Sister Appel jumping out of the wall. Speaking of ghosts for Gospel Principle our lesson was on ghosts, not the Holy Ghost but ghosts, goblins and elves. Luckily we did not have any investigator there for there first time scared out of their minds but we did have 2 recent convert there. Totally inappropriate for Gospel Principals, but what can you do?
The short had to reschedule again last week but we will have a great lesson this week. We meet some crazy people while tracking this week. Some of the best door slams on my whole entire mission. One of them were a little bit Satanist and screaming some Santanist things and the other just looked at us, laughed and slammed the door. I’m with Austin with tracking, Sometimes you just got to do it.
There was a part member family that we were teaching the wife and the RM husband wasn’t the best example and in courage her to learn her own religion first before she studies with us. So we had kind of dropped her but I this clear impression that we needed to go ove there. Surprsing they were both home and we could have lesson with them. We found out some pretty deep reason why he stopped going to church. I t was the most productive lesson we have ever had with them and Brooke the wife was helping us out and explaning our religion to him. It was pretty cool.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Mom do you think you could send my hair license, I only need the little copy. I’m also wondering if you opened the boxed that had your name on them because there is a letter for you in that and the clothes that need to be returned
As for the date of my release I’m going to be extending until April 10, 2008. I’m going to assume that we still live in the same house; we attend the Falcon Ward and the same Highlands Ranch Stake, with the same Stake President?
Wait is Danica moving to Huston? i want to see that baby!
Monday, November 26, 2007
I got so busy trying to remember everything i needed to tell you and forgot to say
oh and i figured out what i wanted for my Birthday/ Christmas
-General Conference on DVD ( April 06 and Oct 07) only 7.00
-Saturday Warriors DVD
-Twizzers from Bath and Body Works they are ( TwizzerMAN )Twizzers
By the way we will be feed really well at three members homes for ThanksGiving so don't you worry!
Love yaSister Barrand
oh and i figured out what i wanted for my Birthday/ Christmas
-General Conference on DVD ( April 06 and Oct 07) only 7.00
-Saturday Warriors DVD
-Twizzers from Bath and Body Works they are ( TwizzerMAN )Twizzers
By the way we will be feed really well at three members homes for ThanksGiving so don't you worry!
Love yaSister Barrand
Sorry I didn’t get to send my letter last week the silly computer kicked me off as I was pressing the button to send. It was a little upsetting but I got over it.We finally snuck in a lesson with our talkative Land Lord/ Funeral Director (Brad Ford). What he wanted was customs of Mormon Funerals and what he got was the Second Lesson The Plan of Salvation.
He not really interested but I’m glad we got a word in that head of his.These pass two Sundays have been great. Last week we had 2 ½ investigators there and this week we had 4 1/2 investigators there. Seriously that does not happen here. I say ½ because Sherry Gross Brought her 11 year old daughter and we haven’t taught her yet so we can’t fully call her a investigator. But hey they love Church, especially when the women are doing a Visiting Teaching conference and there is a Potata bar. Plus we had a special musical number performed by us sister missionaries. I’m telling you they always are getting me to sing out here. I even had to do a little solo part. P.S. I hated the song. But the old ladies loved it.There is an old lady that also live above the funeral home and we sat down with her a listened for hours. WE were thinking of recording her voice and just playing it at night and we would fall asleep in the matter of seconds.
I night have fallen asleep in a couple of visits with her. I doesn’t help when you in a big cozy chair and you don’t have to say a word cause they will just talk you ear off. I saw my other comps doing the same thing. This three some has been really great. WE get along so well. Last night we tried something new to unclog the bathroom sink due to the fact that sister Hatch dropped her Toothpaste cap down the drain. We took a plunger to it and brown chunky liquid was flying everywhere. Don’t worry I got it on video.Oh you already know but I got my trunky Papers last week and it scared the crap out of me. I still can’t get over the fact that I’m actually severing a mission. This is all too crazy. I actually got really stressed out about what date I would come home on either Feb 28 or April 10. I still can’t believe it it’s gone by so fast. I’ve been giving it some thought and praying about it. I’m not sure even what I’m going to do when I get home. So I have really no reason to come home unless you got something planned. I was wondering if you could get me schedules for school so I could check out my options. I was thinking about summer semester at BYUI and if I could get in to BYU or I don’t know what I want to do. So you can help me out if you want. I might want to be an EFY consoler? ifyou have any ideas you can let me know.
Although i did talk to president Cowley about my relase date and i think i've made up my mind.About 5 months ago we tracked into Lori Short. I was incredibly hard to teach her on a regular basic due to her sickness. All she told us was that she had M.S. We felt prompted to fast for Lori’ Health so that we could teach her about the restored truths. So both Sister Larsen and I fasted. We both agreed that it was the most spiritual fast that we have had. We Still continued to try to make appointments but she was never well. Her Husband and Daughter were both unsure with us coming over and kind of fought her on it. Lori was strong and tried to help them understand, but she felt like she didn’t know it well enough to try to teach them.
So we would try to set up appointment with the Husband there but she would always say he is not ready. We managed to have her get to know the bishop’s Wife (Sister Haws). Last week on the phone Lori said she had some exciting news, even to good to tell us over the phone we had to wait until we were face to face, so we were real anxious to get over there.
We were thrilled that it was late in the evening that David her husband would be home. As we got there we were excited enough to see that David was there. As we were sitting down they told us that her Brain tumor was completely gone and the Lesions in her brain were so small that the Doctors would have never diagnosed her with M. S. And All the Doctors were floored. You could just see through their expression that they knew that this was truly a miracle and all of our prays were answered. Then David asked if he could learn more because he wanted to read the Book of Mormon this week. So we taught the most incredible Lesson of a Loving Heavenly Father and a humble boy’s prayer.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
He not really interested but I’m glad we got a word in that head of his.These pass two Sundays have been great. Last week we had 2 ½ investigators there and this week we had 4 1/2 investigators there. Seriously that does not happen here. I say ½ because Sherry Gross Brought her 11 year old daughter and we haven’t taught her yet so we can’t fully call her a investigator. But hey they love Church, especially when the women are doing a Visiting Teaching conference and there is a Potata bar. Plus we had a special musical number performed by us sister missionaries. I’m telling you they always are getting me to sing out here. I even had to do a little solo part. P.S. I hated the song. But the old ladies loved it.There is an old lady that also live above the funeral home and we sat down with her a listened for hours. WE were thinking of recording her voice and just playing it at night and we would fall asleep in the matter of seconds.
I night have fallen asleep in a couple of visits with her. I doesn’t help when you in a big cozy chair and you don’t have to say a word cause they will just talk you ear off. I saw my other comps doing the same thing. This three some has been really great. WE get along so well. Last night we tried something new to unclog the bathroom sink due to the fact that sister Hatch dropped her Toothpaste cap down the drain. We took a plunger to it and brown chunky liquid was flying everywhere. Don’t worry I got it on video.Oh you already know but I got my trunky Papers last week and it scared the crap out of me. I still can’t get over the fact that I’m actually severing a mission. This is all too crazy. I actually got really stressed out about what date I would come home on either Feb 28 or April 10. I still can’t believe it it’s gone by so fast. I’ve been giving it some thought and praying about it. I’m not sure even what I’m going to do when I get home. So I have really no reason to come home unless you got something planned. I was wondering if you could get me schedules for school so I could check out my options. I was thinking about summer semester at BYUI and if I could get in to BYU or I don’t know what I want to do. So you can help me out if you want. I might want to be an EFY consoler? ifyou have any ideas you can let me know.
Although i did talk to president Cowley about my relase date and i think i've made up my mind.About 5 months ago we tracked into Lori Short. I was incredibly hard to teach her on a regular basic due to her sickness. All she told us was that she had M.S. We felt prompted to fast for Lori’ Health so that we could teach her about the restored truths. So both Sister Larsen and I fasted. We both agreed that it was the most spiritual fast that we have had. We Still continued to try to make appointments but she was never well. Her Husband and Daughter were both unsure with us coming over and kind of fought her on it. Lori was strong and tried to help them understand, but she felt like she didn’t know it well enough to try to teach them.
So we would try to set up appointment with the Husband there but she would always say he is not ready. We managed to have her get to know the bishop’s Wife (Sister Haws). Last week on the phone Lori said she had some exciting news, even to good to tell us over the phone we had to wait until we were face to face, so we were real anxious to get over there.
We were thrilled that it was late in the evening that David her husband would be home. As we got there we were excited enough to see that David was there. As we were sitting down they told us that her Brain tumor was completely gone and the Lesions in her brain were so small that the Doctors would have never diagnosed her with M. S. And All the Doctors were floored. You could just see through their expression that they knew that this was truly a miracle and all of our prays were answered. Then David asked if he could learn more because he wanted to read the Book of Mormon this week. So we taught the most incredible Lesson of a Loving Heavenly Father and a humble boy’s prayer.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Cat Fight
Hey HeyThis week we had an eventful cat fight with the Elders for not letting us know about day light savings time. We, well I got pretty up set about that extra hour of sleep and got mad. I let it fester to long and blew up at the Elders. I’m terrible and felt incredibly bad for getting so upset over an hour, and apologized as soon as possible. I don’t know why but that was probably the most mad I’ve gotten on my mission. I felt pretty bad. So this week I’m really trying to work hard on being nice and saying nice things. Especially to those I don’t get along with. I’ve been kind of sarcastic with one Elder cause I can’t stand him, so I have to watch myself. Not to mention there was a cat fight last week in Ward Council with the Elders Quorum President and us Sisters. It was feisty. We were just trying to state our option on home teachers for Heather and it did not go over well.
He said we were pushy because we were asking to get home teacher for her, it had been weeks since her baptism and getting a home teacher right away to teach them the new member lessons is vital for new converts. GRRRRRR. Sister Larsen said she’s never seen me so enraged.Our trio had an intense work out/dance party with Halloween tinsel and Josh Groban. It was a blast and it might be hard to believe but I’m sore everywhere. We are just glad no one saw into our windows.We tried volunteering at the nursing home to see a less active that works there but they want us to fill out all this paper work and have back ground checks. No thank you.We might start teaching a man who looks exactly like Michael Douglas.
I’m sick right now cause sister Hatch was sick and were are with each other 24/7 so I was bond to get sick.Jake is doing pretty well. His wife Sue came back home from the hospital today. We are trying to teach them together so they can get baptized together, but it hard when she is always in the hospital. Jake is a funny man he is always trying to give us a hard time and he thinks I’m trouble. He calls us “the pepper steal’n Mormons” cause we stole some peppers from his garden and took pictures for him. He loved the pictures cause we looked so happy. I had so many peppers they were coming gout my pockets.To end on a good note are less actives and investigator came to Fast and testimony meeting and it was the best one out on my mission so far. I was so good. There was only one kinda scecty one but the kids were making enough noise and they weren’t able to hear. So that Sunday went from dark to light.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
I would love Austin’s mailing address so I can write himDad I’m not surprised that no one showed up at the temple on Halloween.Mom whats hows the job situation ?
He said we were pushy because we were asking to get home teacher for her, it had been weeks since her baptism and getting a home teacher right away to teach them the new member lessons is vital for new converts. GRRRRRR. Sister Larsen said she’s never seen me so enraged.Our trio had an intense work out/dance party with Halloween tinsel and Josh Groban. It was a blast and it might be hard to believe but I’m sore everywhere. We are just glad no one saw into our windows.We tried volunteering at the nursing home to see a less active that works there but they want us to fill out all this paper work and have back ground checks. No thank you.We might start teaching a man who looks exactly like Michael Douglas.
I’m sick right now cause sister Hatch was sick and were are with each other 24/7 so I was bond to get sick.Jake is doing pretty well. His wife Sue came back home from the hospital today. We are trying to teach them together so they can get baptized together, but it hard when she is always in the hospital. Jake is a funny man he is always trying to give us a hard time and he thinks I’m trouble. He calls us “the pepper steal’n Mormons” cause we stole some peppers from his garden and took pictures for him. He loved the pictures cause we looked so happy. I had so many peppers they were coming gout my pockets.To end on a good note are less actives and investigator came to Fast and testimony meeting and it was the best one out on my mission so far. I was so good. There was only one kinda scecty one but the kids were making enough noise and they weren’t able to hear. So that Sunday went from dark to light.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
I would love Austin’s mailing address so I can write himDad I’m not surprised that no one showed up at the temple on Halloween.Mom whats hows the job situation ?
Saturday, November 03, 2007
I was a clown for Halloween what were you?
“I’m a mean old witch with my hat, and I ride on my broom with my cat!” Mom do you remember singing that to me when I was little. Well in honor of you and Halloween I sang it to all the Elders here. I loved to see the pictures of you all having dinner and that you invited the missionaries. That is the best thing you can do for the missionaries is to provide a home where you can feel the spirit and participate by sharing your testimony.
For the ward Halloween party we tricked everyone one into thinking we were all Sister Barrand’s. I had Sister Larsen and Sister Hatch wear my other named tags. Some members knew there was a sister Larsen and a Barrand but couldn’t tell us apart cause they think we look alike. AS for sister Hatch it was her first time meeting some of them and they had know idea what her name was. So that was our excitement there. Oh yesterday was the first live possum I have ever seen. We all started screaming in the car because we were all so excited. Zone conference was better then I thought. I have to tell you that president told us we would be doing some role playing and I hate role playing with other missionaries. So we joked about not going but of course we went and I felt the spirit probably one of the strongest I have ever felt.
My old District leader is now AP and taught the Restoration to us all. It was more then powerful when he taught. You can feel the sincerity when he teaches, it truly amazing what our heavenly Father has in store for us.I’d say one of the greatest things that happened this week was our prayers about Jake’s Septic tank were answered. About two weeks ago when it stopped working the Kroll family and us started praying for a way to fix their septic tank, so they could all be home together as a family rather then them at their friends because they couldn’t use the toilet or the shower. We also wanted them to concentrate on Jake’s baptism not on having no money to pay for a new septic tank. This consumed their thoughts and took place of the Gospel. Well a senior couple down in another area about a hour away was also praying about how they can help out because they were all out of trimming trees in their area.
The Apples felt impressed to take us sister and help us find less Actives in our area. WE would use their miles because we don’t have very many. WE had a lot of people we could find in Grafton because they all live on routes and it would take a lot of miles to try and find them. So we had a couple of appointments and we were able to find people and streets that we had searched for before. The Krolls and the Apples got along really well and Elder Apple paid and fixed their septic tank the next day. Elder Apple spent the whole day over there fixing it all up. We noticed how many prayers were answered and thanked our loving Heavenly Father.
Now Jake’s wife Sue want to take the lessons for real and they want to get baptized together. So that means were are going to work really hard with Sue and her smoking addiction. We also have to keep Jake on the right path so Satan can’t distract him to much. It will be the most difficult but the most rewarding. So that’s a no go on the baptism on the 4th.Mom, Dad and Celeste, did I ever tell you that I was obsess with Prison Break as well, the only difference is you can watch and I can’t. You luckies!Dad- about that cook book, I’ve already collected a whole but of tasty treats, but not anything gross. So I don’t think I will be cooking any squirrel for y’all. Sorry. That description of the food on your mission was enough. Sorry to hear about the Rockies but that was very good of you to go to a ballet. I promised you will be blessed.P.s. mom for the list that you have been asking for is going to be tuff cause I don’t even know what I want. There is one thing but I will write a real letter about it. Know that I love you and your Heavenly Fathers loves you He’s watching over you and is pleased when you are aligning your will with His.
I hope you all have a great Halloween
Love Sister Barrand
For the ward Halloween party we tricked everyone one into thinking we were all Sister Barrand’s. I had Sister Larsen and Sister Hatch wear my other named tags. Some members knew there was a sister Larsen and a Barrand but couldn’t tell us apart cause they think we look alike. AS for sister Hatch it was her first time meeting some of them and they had know idea what her name was. So that was our excitement there. Oh yesterday was the first live possum I have ever seen. We all started screaming in the car because we were all so excited. Zone conference was better then I thought. I have to tell you that president told us we would be doing some role playing and I hate role playing with other missionaries. So we joked about not going but of course we went and I felt the spirit probably one of the strongest I have ever felt.
My old District leader is now AP and taught the Restoration to us all. It was more then powerful when he taught. You can feel the sincerity when he teaches, it truly amazing what our heavenly Father has in store for us.I’d say one of the greatest things that happened this week was our prayers about Jake’s Septic tank were answered. About two weeks ago when it stopped working the Kroll family and us started praying for a way to fix their septic tank, so they could all be home together as a family rather then them at their friends because they couldn’t use the toilet or the shower. We also wanted them to concentrate on Jake’s baptism not on having no money to pay for a new septic tank. This consumed their thoughts and took place of the Gospel. Well a senior couple down in another area about a hour away was also praying about how they can help out because they were all out of trimming trees in their area.
The Apples felt impressed to take us sister and help us find less Actives in our area. WE would use their miles because we don’t have very many. WE had a lot of people we could find in Grafton because they all live on routes and it would take a lot of miles to try and find them. So we had a couple of appointments and we were able to find people and streets that we had searched for before. The Krolls and the Apples got along really well and Elder Apple paid and fixed their septic tank the next day. Elder Apple spent the whole day over there fixing it all up. We noticed how many prayers were answered and thanked our loving Heavenly Father.
Now Jake’s wife Sue want to take the lessons for real and they want to get baptized together. So that means were are going to work really hard with Sue and her smoking addiction. We also have to keep Jake on the right path so Satan can’t distract him to much. It will be the most difficult but the most rewarding. So that’s a no go on the baptism on the 4th.Mom, Dad and Celeste, did I ever tell you that I was obsess with Prison Break as well, the only difference is you can watch and I can’t. You luckies!Dad- about that cook book, I’ve already collected a whole but of tasty treats, but not anything gross. So I don’t think I will be cooking any squirrel for y’all. Sorry. That description of the food on your mission was enough. Sorry to hear about the Rockies but that was very good of you to go to a ballet. I promised you will be blessed.P.s. mom for the list that you have been asking for is going to be tuff cause I don’t even know what I want. There is one thing but I will write a real letter about it. Know that I love you and your Heavenly Fathers loves you He’s watching over you and is pleased when you are aligning your will with His.
I hope you all have a great Halloween
Love Sister Barrand
I bet if you knew what it looked like hear you would all jump on a plane today and check out all these colors. Oh but it sounds like the snow is crazy there. Random people will update me here and say they are getting a lot of snow out in Colorado. I’m glad you have the missionaries over cause that means a lot. Are you two lonely and that why you had three nurses sleep over? Sounds like a great breakfast that they made.
So did you mess up your diet, or what? There is a lady (Tina) who we help with the activities at the nursing home and I think she is on the same diet. Tina has lost 21 lbs in two or three months, so good luck with that diet. The portions look pretty small. At least you get Chocolate. Right?Dad, sounds like we both had a Stinky day. But mine was a silly reason for being bad. Basically both Sister Larsen and I couldn’t sleep, trains were honking, sirens were shrieking, dogs were barking, I had to give a talk for District Mtg, and Jake’s septic tank died. But what we found amazing is that the lessons that we had went really well. Speaking of stinky and septic tanks, I stepped in Jake’s dog’s (Sweet Pea’s) poo on there front porch. I just put it back on the grass where it belonged, because Jake told me too. So we are still teaching Pam and her son Jonathan.
We are still trying to figure out if Pam was baptized when she was nine. I have to tell you that Pam is always on her swing on her front poach and as we go up to take a seat on some lawn chairs there is the most ghastly smell of doggie presents. Not to mention two smelly sickly disease spreading dogs trying to eat the flies that are swarming all over us. Its so nasty. Last night we went over to make sure Jonathan had a ride to Church Basketball. He thought we were going to give him a ride and we thought he already had a ride, so we had to use their phone to find him a ride.
We disgustingly went into the home overcome by the most horrible BO ever in my life. I’m telling you it went from rank to rank not even a time to take a breath. I t went directly from stinky dog poop to deadly BO. We got a ride for them and the poor member had to ride in car with two smelly kids. We felt pretty bad but we didn’t know plus we are trying to get them involved. I just have one more nasty story. We went over to a member home to eat and as was in the bathroom, The Member proceeded to tell Larsen about the problems or her Curdling Milk in her frig. Later as we sat down she continued saying that the meat that she had prepare made her and her husband both sick. We looked around to what to eat and there was nothing we had no back up besides a plain potata. The water option was even gross there was green fungus living at to bottom of the picture. I would have to say that was the worst meal of my whole mission so far.
I love you all\u003cbr /\>Sister Barrand\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /
Well In my studies I’m working on knowing scriptures better and some other random things. When I started off you could quiz me on about 15 of them and I knew what they all said and where they were. The next day I tried doing the same and it was like my brain was full and there was no room for any other scriptures. It was pretty funny cause the same thing happened to Larsen. By the way we prayed and prayed to stay one more transfer together for our investigators and it was answered. Larsen and I are here again for another 6 beautiful week, plus we got Sister Hatch. That’s my third threesome if you count the MTC.
Threesome’s are crazy!! We will see how this one works out. I’m afraid that sister Larsen and I have become such good companions that someone would feel left out but we are going to try our hardest to work on including everyone. Sister Hatch and I were in the MTC together but we were not in the same district. She came from a difficult companionship so it’s good that she is here. We are going to pump here up and get some work done. Too bad we had a glow sticks party with out here. Sister Larsen’s Mom always sends glow sticks so we are always having fun. Jake Baptism date moved to the 4th of November due to the fact that Sue needs to be there. Plus she is out of the Hospital. Heather is a great member and goes out with us on teaching appt which is great.
I love you all
Sister Barrand
So did you mess up your diet, or what? There is a lady (Tina) who we help with the activities at the nursing home and I think she is on the same diet. Tina has lost 21 lbs in two or three months, so good luck with that diet. The portions look pretty small. At least you get Chocolate. Right?Dad, sounds like we both had a Stinky day. But mine was a silly reason for being bad. Basically both Sister Larsen and I couldn’t sleep, trains were honking, sirens were shrieking, dogs were barking, I had to give a talk for District Mtg, and Jake’s septic tank died. But what we found amazing is that the lessons that we had went really well. Speaking of stinky and septic tanks, I stepped in Jake’s dog’s (Sweet Pea’s) poo on there front porch. I just put it back on the grass where it belonged, because Jake told me too. So we are still teaching Pam and her son Jonathan.
We are still trying to figure out if Pam was baptized when she was nine. I have to tell you that Pam is always on her swing on her front poach and as we go up to take a seat on some lawn chairs there is the most ghastly smell of doggie presents. Not to mention two smelly sickly disease spreading dogs trying to eat the flies that are swarming all over us. Its so nasty. Last night we went over to make sure Jonathan had a ride to Church Basketball. He thought we were going to give him a ride and we thought he already had a ride, so we had to use their phone to find him a ride.
We disgustingly went into the home overcome by the most horrible BO ever in my life. I’m telling you it went from rank to rank not even a time to take a breath. I t went directly from stinky dog poop to deadly BO. We got a ride for them and the poor member had to ride in car with two smelly kids. We felt pretty bad but we didn’t know plus we are trying to get them involved. I just have one more nasty story. We went over to a member home to eat and as was in the bathroom, The Member proceeded to tell Larsen about the problems or her Curdling Milk in her frig. Later as we sat down she continued saying that the meat that she had prepare made her and her husband both sick. We looked around to what to eat and there was nothing we had no back up besides a plain potata. The water option was even gross there was green fungus living at to bottom of the picture. I would have to say that was the worst meal of my whole mission so far.
I love you all\u003cbr /\>Sister Barrand\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /
Well In my studies I’m working on knowing scriptures better and some other random things. When I started off you could quiz me on about 15 of them and I knew what they all said and where they were. The next day I tried doing the same and it was like my brain was full and there was no room for any other scriptures. It was pretty funny cause the same thing happened to Larsen. By the way we prayed and prayed to stay one more transfer together for our investigators and it was answered. Larsen and I are here again for another 6 beautiful week, plus we got Sister Hatch. That’s my third threesome if you count the MTC.
Threesome’s are crazy!! We will see how this one works out. I’m afraid that sister Larsen and I have become such good companions that someone would feel left out but we are going to try our hardest to work on including everyone. Sister Hatch and I were in the MTC together but we were not in the same district. She came from a difficult companionship so it’s good that she is here. We are going to pump here up and get some work done. Too bad we had a glow sticks party with out here. Sister Larsen’s Mom always sends glow sticks so we are always having fun. Jake Baptism date moved to the 4th of November due to the fact that Sue needs to be there. Plus she is out of the Hospital. Heather is a great member and goes out with us on teaching appt which is great.
I love you all
Sister Barrand
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Heather Wilson is a Member!
This week was eventful a Baptism and a Funeral, both starting a new kind of life. Heather was Baptized on the Sunday the 14th of October before church, so she was able to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost in Church that day.
Oh man we pretty much stressed the entire week even until the very end. We had good reason to be on our toes. Well to start of Heather didn’t have a phone and she lives in the Elders area so we drove to keep in contact to her home like everyday cause you never know what is going to happen. She wanted her husband to baptize her but we didn’t know if he was worthy to do so. He was not really supporting her at all. He actually tried to keep her from meting with us. He was a big bum. But at we came closer and closer to Sunday he started to change. We wanted to involve him in the program but again didn’t know if he could do anything, Luckily we had his dad willing to help out and Heather was ok with her Father-in-law Baptizing her. But Richie found out and wanted to met with the Bishop so he could baptize his wife. He kept putting it on. Heather just stayed calm, knowing that her husband might not be able to baptize her. Sunday morning rolled around and Richie had an interview right before the Baptism. WE took some pictures while we were waiting.
The Baptism started at 8:45 and Richie came out of his interview at 8:50. He was so happy he was running around repeating the baptism prayer because this was going to be his first one. We hurried him in to get his jumper on and then started. We were late as Mormons usually are but Heather was Baptized by her Husband, a dream come true for her. The programs had to say on them Brother Wilson cause we didn’t know who was going to baptize her, her Father-in law or her Husband. But it all worked out just great and we were so happy for the two.
Now we get to take heather with us to teaching appointments!It was different having a Funeral downstairs, but neat to see the love that was shared. Sister Larsen and I were in charge of bringing all the pictures and stands over to the place where they would all eat. Of course the Relief Society put on a excellent meal. To bad Tammy wasn’t even there, she was having a really hard time with the lost of her husband. The saddest part was we brought up how she can be sealed and she was not interested in giving up word of wisdom issues to be sealed with Bill. So sad when they are so closed. You wouldn’t believe how closed some people are out here, well I’m sure it’s the same there.
I’m Happy for the Baptism the happened there. And we looking forward to Jake’s Baptism probably next week, when his wife is out of the hospital. Oh we had family home evening with Jake and it was the best. We even got to sing to his Wife in the hospital over the phone. Jake says the best prayers cause they are from his heart. He keeps telling us that he is going to miss us girls. After we finished the lesson with the ice cream sundaes he said. “Aw you can’t leave now I was just having fun.”I absolutely love how the gospel can bring soooooo much happiness into someone’s life. Jake has yet to comprehend how happy we can be when we do what is right. Man this is good stuff. I’ll tell you the truth though when your companion has only 7 weeks left, it’s hard not to think of life after a mission, but it basically all about how we are going to lose weight and hold babies. I’m lucky enough that all of you have them and I don’t have to worry about that for a long time.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Oh man we pretty much stressed the entire week even until the very end. We had good reason to be on our toes. Well to start of Heather didn’t have a phone and she lives in the Elders area so we drove to keep in contact to her home like everyday cause you never know what is going to happen. She wanted her husband to baptize her but we didn’t know if he was worthy to do so. He was not really supporting her at all. He actually tried to keep her from meting with us. He was a big bum. But at we came closer and closer to Sunday he started to change. We wanted to involve him in the program but again didn’t know if he could do anything, Luckily we had his dad willing to help out and Heather was ok with her Father-in-law Baptizing her. But Richie found out and wanted to met with the Bishop so he could baptize his wife. He kept putting it on. Heather just stayed calm, knowing that her husband might not be able to baptize her. Sunday morning rolled around and Richie had an interview right before the Baptism. WE took some pictures while we were waiting.
The Baptism started at 8:45 and Richie came out of his interview at 8:50. He was so happy he was running around repeating the baptism prayer because this was going to be his first one. We hurried him in to get his jumper on and then started. We were late as Mormons usually are but Heather was Baptized by her Husband, a dream come true for her. The programs had to say on them Brother Wilson cause we didn’t know who was going to baptize her, her Father-in law or her Husband. But it all worked out just great and we were so happy for the two.
Now we get to take heather with us to teaching appointments!It was different having a Funeral downstairs, but neat to see the love that was shared. Sister Larsen and I were in charge of bringing all the pictures and stands over to the place where they would all eat. Of course the Relief Society put on a excellent meal. To bad Tammy wasn’t even there, she was having a really hard time with the lost of her husband. The saddest part was we brought up how she can be sealed and she was not interested in giving up word of wisdom issues to be sealed with Bill. So sad when they are so closed. You wouldn’t believe how closed some people are out here, well I’m sure it’s the same there.
I’m Happy for the Baptism the happened there. And we looking forward to Jake’s Baptism probably next week, when his wife is out of the hospital. Oh we had family home evening with Jake and it was the best. We even got to sing to his Wife in the hospital over the phone. Jake says the best prayers cause they are from his heart. He keeps telling us that he is going to miss us girls. After we finished the lesson with the ice cream sundaes he said. “Aw you can’t leave now I was just having fun.”I absolutely love how the gospel can bring soooooo much happiness into someone’s life. Jake has yet to comprehend how happy we can be when we do what is right. Man this is good stuff. I’ll tell you the truth though when your companion has only 7 weeks left, it’s hard not to think of life after a mission, but it basically all about how we are going to lose weight and hold babies. I’m lucky enough that all of you have them and I don’t have to worry about that for a long time.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Monday, October 15, 2007


we just found out we went in the same group to prom. That means she is in all my pictures. This prom was @ her high school where Tyson Wyatt went. And my date was Chris Taylor.








Well well well, just because they have a baptism date doesn’t mean Satan is trying to drag them down. He has both hit Heather and Jake at the same time. The funny thing is it is not their faith that is stopping them it’s their Spouses . Both want their husband and wife there and we are coming up on some rough hills. I had to say hill cause there ain’t no mountains out here. With Heather her husband Richie is making up a lie saying that he can’t come but to go ahead and have it cause he is not worthy to baptize her. For Jake is going strong but he know how important families are and want his wife to be there and she just went into the hospital last night and might not be back for three week. Satan is mean and cunning, But the Lord is way more powerful and will streach forth his hand after all we can do.We taught Jake the Word of Wisdom and he and his wife poored out all their Alchol.
They were having fun at it as well. We couldn’t fin any more bottles to drain and he was upset. I loved that, getting rid of sin feels GOOD. Oh you could see how much better they felt after that mess was no longer in there home. We had dinner at there home and we talked about the Temple. They were loving it. Then Sue (Jake’s Wife) said they most heart filled prayed before we left. My Comp, Sister Poe and I all cried during the pray because she was progressing. Seriously I have been praying about a family to teach and they are an answer to my prayers. The change that that family is making is huge. Sister Larsen and I could not stop talking about how wonderful it is to see the Change of heart that accurse.Hey for the first time in my life I got to wear that Orange vest and pick up trash on the side of the highway, like the convicts do. I kinda felt like one. It was a nasty job with all the cigarettes and bear cans but hey it was fun with that portable hand squeezer thing!! We had fun yelling “CAR” to everyone; I think that also the first time we had an excuse to yell on our missions! There was some nasty stuff though and of course the spider webs in the gully near by freaked out my companion.
I just wanted to tell you I loved Conference and I know the new men called are of God and they will lead and guide us not astray. I notice that the Saturday Conference was a lot about Death and Families. And this past week 2 people that we knew past away. One of them was a Fiancé of and mentally unstable member and was predicted. But Bill Rhodes was a 60 year old Less Active Member of two married Children, whose wife adopted us. Truly an incredibly sad situation, they have been visited by missionaries for years and never let them in. But Sister Tammy Rhodes took us under her wing and has placed upon her the name of our “Heathen Mama” Along with friends, co-workers, members and Family we comforted Tammy at the hospital while her husbands was suffering. Some Elders were able to give Bill a Blessing and his seizering had stop. Tammy asked for a blessing and was comforted by the love arms of our Heavenly Father. The funeral will actual be done in our Apartment. On the Bright side I feel this will lead Tammy back to church
Sister Larsen and I will have served 18 weeks and we don’t want it to end there we love serving together and form the sound of it from interview it seems like we won’t serve her last transfer here together. I’m telling you we make a great team and everyone can tell, that why we have been together for three transfers, Our land lord, members and strangers are trying to get a hold of President Cowley and persuade him to keep us here for one more, but we will see if that works. What probably works the best is to get on you knees and communicate with your Father in Heaven.I just wanted to tell you I loved Conference and I know the new men called are of God and they will lead and guide us not astray. I notice that the Saturday Conference was a lot about Death and Families. And this past week 2 people that we knew past away.
One of them was a Fiancé of and mentally unstable member and was predicted. But Bill Rhodes was a 60 year old Less Active Member of two married Children, whose wife adopted us. Truly an incredibly sad situation, they have been visited by missionaries for years and never let them in. But Sister Tammy Rhodes took us under her wing and has placed upon her the name of our “Heathen Mama” Along with friends, co-workers, members and Family we comforted Tammy at the hospital while her husbands was suffering. Some Elders were able to give Bill a Blessing and his seizering had stop. Tammy asked for a blessing and was comforted by the love arms of our Heavenly Father. The funeral will actual be done in our Apartment. On the Bright side I feel this will lead Tammy back to church
LoveSister B
They were having fun at it as well. We couldn’t fin any more bottles to drain and he was upset. I loved that, getting rid of sin feels GOOD. Oh you could see how much better they felt after that mess was no longer in there home. We had dinner at there home and we talked about the Temple. They were loving it. Then Sue (Jake’s Wife) said they most heart filled prayed before we left. My Comp, Sister Poe and I all cried during the pray because she was progressing. Seriously I have been praying about a family to teach and they are an answer to my prayers. The change that that family is making is huge. Sister Larsen and I could not stop talking about how wonderful it is to see the Change of heart that accurse.Hey for the first time in my life I got to wear that Orange vest and pick up trash on the side of the highway, like the convicts do. I kinda felt like one. It was a nasty job with all the cigarettes and bear cans but hey it was fun with that portable hand squeezer thing!! We had fun yelling “CAR” to everyone; I think that also the first time we had an excuse to yell on our missions! There was some nasty stuff though and of course the spider webs in the gully near by freaked out my companion.
I just wanted to tell you I loved Conference and I know the new men called are of God and they will lead and guide us not astray. I notice that the Saturday Conference was a lot about Death and Families. And this past week 2 people that we knew past away. One of them was a Fiancé of and mentally unstable member and was predicted. But Bill Rhodes was a 60 year old Less Active Member of two married Children, whose wife adopted us. Truly an incredibly sad situation, they have been visited by missionaries for years and never let them in. But Sister Tammy Rhodes took us under her wing and has placed upon her the name of our “Heathen Mama” Along with friends, co-workers, members and Family we comforted Tammy at the hospital while her husbands was suffering. Some Elders were able to give Bill a Blessing and his seizering had stop. Tammy asked for a blessing and was comforted by the love arms of our Heavenly Father. The funeral will actual be done in our Apartment. On the Bright side I feel this will lead Tammy back to church
Sister Larsen and I will have served 18 weeks and we don’t want it to end there we love serving together and form the sound of it from interview it seems like we won’t serve her last transfer here together. I’m telling you we make a great team and everyone can tell, that why we have been together for three transfers, Our land lord, members and strangers are trying to get a hold of President Cowley and persuade him to keep us here for one more, but we will see if that works. What probably works the best is to get on you knees and communicate with your Father in Heaven.I just wanted to tell you I loved Conference and I know the new men called are of God and they will lead and guide us not astray. I notice that the Saturday Conference was a lot about Death and Families. And this past week 2 people that we knew past away.
One of them was a Fiancé of and mentally unstable member and was predicted. But Bill Rhodes was a 60 year old Less Active Member of two married Children, whose wife adopted us. Truly an incredibly sad situation, they have been visited by missionaries for years and never let them in. But Sister Tammy Rhodes took us under her wing and has placed upon her the name of our “Heathen Mama” Along with friends, co-workers, members and Family we comforted Tammy at the hospital while her husbands was suffering. Some Elders were able to give Bill a Blessing and his seizering had stop. Tammy asked for a blessing and was comforted by the love arms of our Heavenly Father. The funeral will actual be done in our Apartment. On the Bright side I feel this will lead Tammy back to church
LoveSister B
General Conference is coming
Its been a great week. I love hearing how my wonderful family is doing. I’m so glad you all help the missionaries out and help them teach . It means a lot when it comes from the members, just don’t get into too deep and go off on Kolob or Heavenly Mother. He He. Mom I will be praying really hard for you and this job if it be right for you at this time in your life. Speaking of praying for specific things. After knowing that Jake wanted a quad for himself after he gets Baptized on the 21, we were over at a member home and Sister Wilson was looking through her stuff to find me a newer purse cause mine is trashed she found a Quad, brand new never been used before and asked us if we could find someone that would cherish these scriptures. Both sister Larsen looked at each other and knew that it was an answer to our pray for Jake. We will give them to him after he get Baptized. It’s good to hear that One of Kizzy’s nurses is getting baptized. That is way neat that you got to help out there. Heather and Jake are both doing really well and are excited for General Conference.
As am I, I think General Conference should happen all the time I absolutely love it. So we have been working with a 35 year old less active member Jeff Cropp he moved here about 8 years ago and hasn’t been to church in over 15 years, well we have taught him like he was an investigator with bring about 8 different families over trying him to come out to church. This past Saturday there was a Buckwheat & Sausages Feed and he was helping out there. So we made it over there and partook of the Feed. I actually liked them better then pancakes, they kind of tasted like multied grained flat pancakes. I was told after wards that that not even what real buckwheat pancakes taste like. But there we met his mom and his less active dad who were visiting. It was perfect timing that we got to remind Jeff about coming to church in front of his Family. He came!!!!!!
All the families that we have been taking over to his house over the 4 and ½ months we have been here. Came up to him and welcomed him and his two year old boy. It was a sight to see. You could tell Jeff mom was so happy to see her son at church. We love working with Jeff Cropp he such an nest guy, he actually was the only person that said I did a good job on my solo in church besides my comp. P.s. I kinda feel bad for this ward cause they have no one to do anything in this ward so they always call on the missionaries, that’s how I’ve been roped in to singing for sacrament. I guess it’s good for me. Oh I’ almost forgot we had a neat experience with a new investigator we found her while tracking. Her name is Pam and her step mom is a member that lives in Greece. Pam goes to a nondenominational church.
We gave her a pass along card for a BOM, the times of General Conference and made an appointment. When we came for the Apartment she had already prayed to know if this is true and if we were to come back then it means it good. Also she ordered the BOM and Is planning with her husband to go to a session of General Conference on Sat with her kids and one of their friends. It was like another prayer answered. The lesson went really well with her and she Prayed about Joseph Smith in the Closing Pray. I’m telling you that this does not happen. She already has pray as a family every night. It Amazing!!!
Love you all
Sister Barrand
P.S. we are almost done painting our apartment for service. It looks sooooo much better. Some much easier not to study in a orange room
P.S. I’m sure you two will have fun up in Park City with the family. It would be fun to see some pictures of YOU!
As am I, I think General Conference should happen all the time I absolutely love it. So we have been working with a 35 year old less active member Jeff Cropp he moved here about 8 years ago and hasn’t been to church in over 15 years, well we have taught him like he was an investigator with bring about 8 different families over trying him to come out to church. This past Saturday there was a Buckwheat & Sausages Feed and he was helping out there. So we made it over there and partook of the Feed. I actually liked them better then pancakes, they kind of tasted like multied grained flat pancakes. I was told after wards that that not even what real buckwheat pancakes taste like. But there we met his mom and his less active dad who were visiting. It was perfect timing that we got to remind Jeff about coming to church in front of his Family. He came!!!!!!
All the families that we have been taking over to his house over the 4 and ½ months we have been here. Came up to him and welcomed him and his two year old boy. It was a sight to see. You could tell Jeff mom was so happy to see her son at church. We love working with Jeff Cropp he such an nest guy, he actually was the only person that said I did a good job on my solo in church besides my comp. P.s. I kinda feel bad for this ward cause they have no one to do anything in this ward so they always call on the missionaries, that’s how I’ve been roped in to singing for sacrament. I guess it’s good for me. Oh I’ almost forgot we had a neat experience with a new investigator we found her while tracking. Her name is Pam and her step mom is a member that lives in Greece. Pam goes to a nondenominational church.
We gave her a pass along card for a BOM, the times of General Conference and made an appointment. When we came for the Apartment she had already prayed to know if this is true and if we were to come back then it means it good. Also she ordered the BOM and Is planning with her husband to go to a session of General Conference on Sat with her kids and one of their friends. It was like another prayer answered. The lesson went really well with her and she Prayed about Joseph Smith in the Closing Pray. I’m telling you that this does not happen. She already has pray as a family every night. It Amazing!!!
Love you all
Sister Barrand
P.S. we are almost done painting our apartment for service. It looks sooooo much better. Some much easier not to study in a orange room
P.S. I’m sure you two will have fun up in Park City with the family. It would be fun to see some pictures of YOU!
This is the best
Well to believe or not this week has been even better than last. Sister Larsen and I have both been here for a little longer than 3 months and no baptisms. We have been working hard and were wondering when it was going got pay off. As you know Heather had a baptism date set as of Nov 25, well just the other day in the same week we were teacher her and asked her what would be the difference if you got baptized in three weeks instead of Nov 25.
She said “ well actually I’ve been thinking about moving it up” This mean she will get baptized on Oct 14 a week after Conference. Not to mention that there will be a much and mingle after church, and she loves to eat, so she all excided that she will be baptized, confirmed, take the sacrament, and eat after it all done. Now she was not easy to commit but something just triggered her all of the sudden and she just loves to read and do what is right. She is building that foundation in Jesus Christ and baring her testimony to us, even when her husband is a rebellious member. She has committed and she is putting the effort in to what is takes and it only been 2 year since she started the lessons with the Missionaries. We are so happy for her cause it’s been a struggle seeing her not commit, ditch us, not read over and over again, and she is on fire now. Now she wants us over everyday to teach her and asking us when we can come back.
You can see the Change of heart.Speaking of Change of heart, Jake Kroll has been meeting with the missionaries for over a year now. When we got there he told us over and over again that he doesn’t even want to talk about Baptism. He was a stubborn Jehovah Witness for years and wanted us to show and prove everything to him. Up until a couple of days ago, he fought us on everything we said. Jake liked our Church but thought once was enough. After reciveing and answer to write down his testimony, our testimony, where his testimony should be, and how to get there it was a little chaotic. We actually had a big blow out and Sister Larsen had enough of his crap a cried. You see we wanted him to feel the spirit at a baptism one night and he said he would think about it. We were really upset that he didn’t want to take that opportunity to feel the spirit. The lesson was way unproductive (we thought). Well this got Jake thinking about his salvation. He came to the Baptism as you know and felt the spirit strongly, he kept saying how good he felt. He talked to President Cowley and could feel his charitable Spirit.
President Cowley gave Jake a hug. This meant more to Jake then you would believe. Jake was taken back to an inspired man wanting to hug him. Jake could not stop talking about how impressed he was. Jake started telling us he had been kneeling down while his been praying at night. We were blow away. If you can imagine a 65 year old, Jehovah Witness, hard knock, New Jersey kind of a guy that hates talking about his feelings going on about his spiritual experience talking with God on his knees. That was the best feeling. The lesson totally changed and they were all centered on his Family. He claims that the Witnesses broke up his Family and wanted to repair the damage. We started teaching him and his Family. You know I’ve been praying my whole mission to teach a family and I have been blessed to do so now, it’s an answer to my prayers.
Now Jake came to church and loved it, one of the talks was just what he needed. I’m grateful for the speakers listening to the spirit on what to teach, the talk was perfect and Jake recognized it. He had some great question about having to get married again if he wanted to be sealed in the temple. Our last lesson was so peaceful, we watched General Conference while I gave him a hair cut and after wards we asked him if he had is own bible. He said he wanted to get a quad after he get baptized. We very anxiously said when will you be baptized. He said “Soon” we said how about the 21 of Oct he said “ok” My heart filled up with joy for this man’s salvation and righteous desires. That was a change of heart. You wouldn’t believe what he said after that.
Well we asked him about what he had been reading and he was like “well we can talk about that later lets talk about baptism.” Man I can’t even begin to tell you how much these mean to our Heavenly Father, another lost sheep will be found. Sister Larsen and I could not believe that Changes that has occurred here. It can pretty much go along with Helaman 11. you should read it if you get a Chance. I have to tell you that this feeling that I’m experiencing is why I am out here. This is the Best work ever. I love my Heavenly Father and his Prefect Plan for us. I know my Savoir and Redeemer lives and I will do all I do to follow him.
I love you all
Sister Barrand
She said “ well actually I’ve been thinking about moving it up” This mean she will get baptized on Oct 14 a week after Conference. Not to mention that there will be a much and mingle after church, and she loves to eat, so she all excided that she will be baptized, confirmed, take the sacrament, and eat after it all done. Now she was not easy to commit but something just triggered her all of the sudden and she just loves to read and do what is right. She is building that foundation in Jesus Christ and baring her testimony to us, even when her husband is a rebellious member. She has committed and she is putting the effort in to what is takes and it only been 2 year since she started the lessons with the Missionaries. We are so happy for her cause it’s been a struggle seeing her not commit, ditch us, not read over and over again, and she is on fire now. Now she wants us over everyday to teach her and asking us when we can come back.
You can see the Change of heart.Speaking of Change of heart, Jake Kroll has been meeting with the missionaries for over a year now. When we got there he told us over and over again that he doesn’t even want to talk about Baptism. He was a stubborn Jehovah Witness for years and wanted us to show and prove everything to him. Up until a couple of days ago, he fought us on everything we said. Jake liked our Church but thought once was enough. After reciveing and answer to write down his testimony, our testimony, where his testimony should be, and how to get there it was a little chaotic. We actually had a big blow out and Sister Larsen had enough of his crap a cried. You see we wanted him to feel the spirit at a baptism one night and he said he would think about it. We were really upset that he didn’t want to take that opportunity to feel the spirit. The lesson was way unproductive (we thought). Well this got Jake thinking about his salvation. He came to the Baptism as you know and felt the spirit strongly, he kept saying how good he felt. He talked to President Cowley and could feel his charitable Spirit.
President Cowley gave Jake a hug. This meant more to Jake then you would believe. Jake was taken back to an inspired man wanting to hug him. Jake could not stop talking about how impressed he was. Jake started telling us he had been kneeling down while his been praying at night. We were blow away. If you can imagine a 65 year old, Jehovah Witness, hard knock, New Jersey kind of a guy that hates talking about his feelings going on about his spiritual experience talking with God on his knees. That was the best feeling. The lesson totally changed and they were all centered on his Family. He claims that the Witnesses broke up his Family and wanted to repair the damage. We started teaching him and his Family. You know I’ve been praying my whole mission to teach a family and I have been blessed to do so now, it’s an answer to my prayers.
Now Jake came to church and loved it, one of the talks was just what he needed. I’m grateful for the speakers listening to the spirit on what to teach, the talk was perfect and Jake recognized it. He had some great question about having to get married again if he wanted to be sealed in the temple. Our last lesson was so peaceful, we watched General Conference while I gave him a hair cut and after wards we asked him if he had is own bible. He said he wanted to get a quad after he get baptized. We very anxiously said when will you be baptized. He said “Soon” we said how about the 21 of Oct he said “ok” My heart filled up with joy for this man’s salvation and righteous desires. That was a change of heart. You wouldn’t believe what he said after that.
Well we asked him about what he had been reading and he was like “well we can talk about that later lets talk about baptism.” Man I can’t even begin to tell you how much these mean to our Heavenly Father, another lost sheep will be found. Sister Larsen and I could not believe that Changes that has occurred here. It can pretty much go along with Helaman 11. you should read it if you get a Chance. I have to tell you that this feeling that I’m experiencing is why I am out here. This is the Best work ever. I love my Heavenly Father and his Prefect Plan for us. I know my Savoir and Redeemer lives and I will do all I do to follow him.
I love you all
Sister Barrand
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Yeah for a great week!
I can’t even believe it everyone is having the cutest kids ever. This letter might be short cause I was side tracked by all the cute photo’s and videos. Man it looks like tons of fun. Although I will tell you of the tons of Fun I’m having. For reals this week have been so so good. Heather has finally said yes to be baptized on Nov 25. We know it far away, but she has the right mind set and the goal in front of her. Because of her Husbands struggles we are going to praying for strength for her to endure these few years of marriage. So Jake has been a worry for awhile now and we are finally seeing some changes. He doesn’t even what to talk about J-dubs anymore, compared to that’s all he wanted to talk about. Instead of fighting and trying to prove these things to be true, his heart is softening up and he doesn’t fight us he now just wants to understand.
He came up with his own goal to come to church every week no matter what comes his way. ( which is huge for him) the spirit was there as we taught, you could feel the peace. He’s been talking about when he become a member, so that is a good sign. The only thing is, is he felt like the Elders before us force baptism on him according to there transfer time. So he wants to take his time. But thing are going really well with his Daughter Gorgine. She came to Stake Conference which was amazing I love both sessions. They were all about teaching. It makes me all excited to get out there and teach as many people as we can and to have lots of kids to teach. Sister Larsen and I have been making up song lately, our number one hit is in the making but I will tell you it is about Chastity and Repentance so until we finalize it I can give you the information. Sorry. It’s going to be good. Oh so exciting !!!! We have been wanted to meet with the Ash family for about 3 months now and we have been stopping by every once and a while been never been able to teach their son Logan. Logan is best friends with Heath Haws who just left on a mission. Now we had kinda given up on Logan cause he moved to go to school and we didn’t cover that area but in the tender Mercies of the Lord. Heath Haws was sent home for a couple of days because of mono.
Now we were able to teach Logan, Logan’s Mom (Kelly) and Logan’s little brother all about what we believe in with Heath Haws and our Heath’s newly Returned Missionary Brother David Haws (our ward Mission Leader).The Lesson was powerful with 3 missionaries and a returned missionary. You would think that all of us in there would fight over the thing to say but it was taught by the spirit and we address her interests. Oh I almost forgot to tell you instead of burning something for my year mark I chopped off my hair to be like my beautiful sisters. So that’s something I never thought I would do but I did it. I kept debating yes, no yes, no all the way until I sat in the chair. It’s crazy I know but you got to believe me on this one. Oh and there is a Sister Missionary that we just figured out that we were in the same Prom group. It was when I went to Cherry Creeks Prom with Chris Taylor. I can’t believe that we found each other out here. Oh I just love being out her and I’m so grateful for such a wonderful family and friends that lead me to be able to serve the lord.
There is a girl in the ward that was in a similar position as I was with a call and an engagement and she chose the engagement and now is going through a painful divorce with a return missionary. Needles to say it is so important to follow the Spirit. If you don’t feel good about something don’t given in thinking there is going to be a easy way out. I’m so glad I am out here, you have know idea what this mission has done for me. I Know this to be the greatest work and I know I am here for that reason. thank you for your examples.
Love you all
S. Barrand
Thanks for all the pictures. That really makes my day Congrats Dan and Dave!That baby is soooo cute.when is Marica Due?
He came up with his own goal to come to church every week no matter what comes his way. ( which is huge for him) the spirit was there as we taught, you could feel the peace. He’s been talking about when he become a member, so that is a good sign. The only thing is, is he felt like the Elders before us force baptism on him according to there transfer time. So he wants to take his time. But thing are going really well with his Daughter Gorgine. She came to Stake Conference which was amazing I love both sessions. They were all about teaching. It makes me all excited to get out there and teach as many people as we can and to have lots of kids to teach. Sister Larsen and I have been making up song lately, our number one hit is in the making but I will tell you it is about Chastity and Repentance so until we finalize it I can give you the information. Sorry. It’s going to be good. Oh so exciting !!!! We have been wanted to meet with the Ash family for about 3 months now and we have been stopping by every once and a while been never been able to teach their son Logan. Logan is best friends with Heath Haws who just left on a mission. Now we had kinda given up on Logan cause he moved to go to school and we didn’t cover that area but in the tender Mercies of the Lord. Heath Haws was sent home for a couple of days because of mono.
Now we were able to teach Logan, Logan’s Mom (Kelly) and Logan’s little brother all about what we believe in with Heath Haws and our Heath’s newly Returned Missionary Brother David Haws (our ward Mission Leader).The Lesson was powerful with 3 missionaries and a returned missionary. You would think that all of us in there would fight over the thing to say but it was taught by the spirit and we address her interests. Oh I almost forgot to tell you instead of burning something for my year mark I chopped off my hair to be like my beautiful sisters. So that’s something I never thought I would do but I did it. I kept debating yes, no yes, no all the way until I sat in the chair. It’s crazy I know but you got to believe me on this one. Oh and there is a Sister Missionary that we just figured out that we were in the same Prom group. It was when I went to Cherry Creeks Prom with Chris Taylor. I can’t believe that we found each other out here. Oh I just love being out her and I’m so grateful for such a wonderful family and friends that lead me to be able to serve the lord.
There is a girl in the ward that was in a similar position as I was with a call and an engagement and she chose the engagement and now is going through a painful divorce with a return missionary. Needles to say it is so important to follow the Spirit. If you don’t feel good about something don’t given in thinking there is going to be a easy way out. I’m so glad I am out here, you have know idea what this mission has done for me. I Know this to be the greatest work and I know I am here for that reason. thank you for your examples.
Love you all
S. Barrand
Thanks for all the pictures. That really makes my day Congrats Dan and Dave!That baby is soooo cute.when is Marica Due?
Happy Year mark!!!
Yes it’s happy Anniversary to me!
The 13th of September is my year mark. I feel like I was in the MTC 5 months ago, and the MTC although felt like three year I look back and it feels like it was only there for a week. I love hearing about how everyone is doing. The last week of transfers always seem a lot slower for some odd reason. So our District meeting was on making the last week of the transfer a good as a 8 cow Wife. We watch the old production on Johnny lingo and compared it to how we look at our areas. The movie his so funny “Mohana you Ugly” anyways so we ventured out and prayed to find all those who were prepare we walked all over the town of bridgeport in 100 degree weather and humidity up to my eye balls.
I know I said that it has cooled down but I was way wrong it did the opposite the day that we walked all around only to come home for a meal to a steaming hot apartment (our air conditioner broke). But we had a great time as a goal of gaining 10 new investigators and accomplish gaining 2 new potential investigators. I really felt like I was in a third world country serving the lord, getting that hot and sweaty talking to the people out side. You know as soon as we got into the sauna (apartment) we lost the wet clothes and laid in front of the fans until it was time to go back out. It was a blast. We had really neat experience we went out to Grafton as usually on Friday and meet with Jake Kroll ( a Jehovah witness) this lesson usually contain him saying he knows a lot and him talking about the JW. The lesson we had with him was the worst lesson we have ever had and we got absolutely no where.
We brought a member and we all we really frustrated to the point that we would reach across the table and shake some listening skills into Jake. All we wanted was for him to come to the baptism to feel the spirit, cause he had such a hard time keeping his month shut. We all left in a annoyance. The most wonderful thing happened Jake was there at the baptism with his daughter. He told us that we made him really think about how he need to take his salvation seriously so he came. The baptism was amazing everything that was said was for Jake and his daughter, the talks were truly inspired word and the spirit was powerful. Jake loved it and he said he felt at home in the building. He also got to talk with President Cowley and felt his love and spirit from him. Jake could stop talking about how good he felt and how you could just tell that we are called of God.
I t was music to my ears to hear this come out of Jake’s mouth. President had been hearing about Jake for about a year now from all the missionary that have taught him and he calmed the nerves of Jake and told him not to fight it. It was prefect, which is what Jake needed to hear. Jake’s concern was that he’s too old to be baptize (he is only 64) but after talking to President Cowley, Jake wanted to meet with us more often. Well as you can see Sister Larsen and I will be serving in Bridgeport for our third transfer and I’m happy about that.I love this Gospel and I loving reading Jesus the Christ. What a loving heavenly Father we have to provide us with a way back into his presents.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
The 13th of September is my year mark. I feel like I was in the MTC 5 months ago, and the MTC although felt like three year I look back and it feels like it was only there for a week. I love hearing about how everyone is doing. The last week of transfers always seem a lot slower for some odd reason. So our District meeting was on making the last week of the transfer a good as a 8 cow Wife. We watch the old production on Johnny lingo and compared it to how we look at our areas. The movie his so funny “Mohana you Ugly” anyways so we ventured out and prayed to find all those who were prepare we walked all over the town of bridgeport in 100 degree weather and humidity up to my eye balls.
I know I said that it has cooled down but I was way wrong it did the opposite the day that we walked all around only to come home for a meal to a steaming hot apartment (our air conditioner broke). But we had a great time as a goal of gaining 10 new investigators and accomplish gaining 2 new potential investigators. I really felt like I was in a third world country serving the lord, getting that hot and sweaty talking to the people out side. You know as soon as we got into the sauna (apartment) we lost the wet clothes and laid in front of the fans until it was time to go back out. It was a blast. We had really neat experience we went out to Grafton as usually on Friday and meet with Jake Kroll ( a Jehovah witness) this lesson usually contain him saying he knows a lot and him talking about the JW. The lesson we had with him was the worst lesson we have ever had and we got absolutely no where.
We brought a member and we all we really frustrated to the point that we would reach across the table and shake some listening skills into Jake. All we wanted was for him to come to the baptism to feel the spirit, cause he had such a hard time keeping his month shut. We all left in a annoyance. The most wonderful thing happened Jake was there at the baptism with his daughter. He told us that we made him really think about how he need to take his salvation seriously so he came. The baptism was amazing everything that was said was for Jake and his daughter, the talks were truly inspired word and the spirit was powerful. Jake loved it and he said he felt at home in the building. He also got to talk with President Cowley and felt his love and spirit from him. Jake could stop talking about how good he felt and how you could just tell that we are called of God.
I t was music to my ears to hear this come out of Jake’s mouth. President had been hearing about Jake for about a year now from all the missionary that have taught him and he calmed the nerves of Jake and told him not to fight it. It was prefect, which is what Jake needed to hear. Jake’s concern was that he’s too old to be baptize (he is only 64) but after talking to President Cowley, Jake wanted to meet with us more often. Well as you can see Sister Larsen and I will be serving in Bridgeport for our third transfer and I’m happy about that.I love this Gospel and I loving reading Jesus the Christ. What a loving heavenly Father we have to provide us with a way back into his presents.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
"God borned us here"
Really neat experience with searching, pondering and praying about an investigator, after much of this , during my studies I came to see exactly what I needed to do for Jake Kroll. Since Jake is a big talker and always get off subject, we wrote him a letter for him to read out loud. It had our testimonies, his testimony (or at least what he has told us), and some pondering question , that will determine his progression. It was amazing how the spirit took over and we could feel the spirit that strong as he read it.I love tailoring the lesson to the people.
The other night I shared a thought with the Chesler and new family from Utah that just moved here a couple weeks ago. You could tell the 15 year old daughter had a Laman and Lemuel attitudes for taking her away from Cheerleader and her friends in Utah. I shared the message of Lehi and his family traveling in the wilderness and compared it to them and think this one hit home for them and the dad came up to me later and thanked me for the lesson. The spiritual thoughts the missionaries give to the members are just as important and should be taken so lightly. We think that active member don’t need up lifting but we all need more.
I’m glad we get to teach the active members as well. You should all read your Pat Blessing more often. I read Moroni 7 and Pat Blessing this morning found a lot of similarities.Oh we did this street presentation at this Italian Festival and it was that productive because everyone was enjoying the festival and they didn’t want to be preached at. There were a lot of them who dodged us completely. We kind of went into this knowing the outcome but hoping fr the best, we had all these supplies like movies and book and not a single one was handed out. The only thing that they would take is the pass along cards.So we were tracking the other day and ran into Joe Romeo that had a lot of interesting stories about being saved in jail. I think our favorite lines were (as he waved his arms all around) “ God borned us here” and “ I was a Bad Girl…Oh I mean Boy.”Oh there is some real fun character here I just wish you could meet them all
Love you all (so does Larry)
Sister Barrand
The other night I shared a thought with the Chesler and new family from Utah that just moved here a couple weeks ago. You could tell the 15 year old daughter had a Laman and Lemuel attitudes for taking her away from Cheerleader and her friends in Utah. I shared the message of Lehi and his family traveling in the wilderness and compared it to them and think this one hit home for them and the dad came up to me later and thanked me for the lesson. The spiritual thoughts the missionaries give to the members are just as important and should be taken so lightly. We think that active member don’t need up lifting but we all need more.
I’m glad we get to teach the active members as well. You should all read your Pat Blessing more often. I read Moroni 7 and Pat Blessing this morning found a lot of similarities.Oh we did this street presentation at this Italian Festival and it was that productive because everyone was enjoying the festival and they didn’t want to be preached at. There were a lot of them who dodged us completely. We kind of went into this knowing the outcome but hoping fr the best, we had all these supplies like movies and book and not a single one was handed out. The only thing that they would take is the pass along cards.So we were tracking the other day and ran into Joe Romeo that had a lot of interesting stories about being saved in jail. I think our favorite lines were (as he waved his arms all around) “ God borned us here” and “ I was a Bad Girl…Oh I mean Boy.”Oh there is some real fun character here I just wish you could meet them all
Love you all (so does Larry)
Sister Barrand
Jesus the Christ
Hey familia
This week we had another sister join us for a day cause she has served her whole mission in Sissonville so far (sister Anderson has been there for 14 months) and she will probably stay there. But we had fun there. She brought with her a referral from another area for us in Bridgeport. The neat part about is that the elder had ran into her before and also gave us her information. So in the past two weeks she has been getting referred to us. We had already set up an apt. with her and it happened to be on the day Sister Anderson was here. Sister Anderson was so excited.
Crystal I guess forgot and she missed her apt. so we have to catch her at another time. We actually probably looked like stalkers cause she never told us her address but we got it from sister Anderson and we went over there to make an apt and we couldn’t tell if she was swimming in her pool in her back yard or not and we were there the day before so it just looked really from her point of view. But to be honest with you it’s not that awkward cause we will be transferred some time. With Sister Anderson we also when up to Grafton cause we always go up to Grafton on Fridays.
Grafton is a small town with only one light. We pretty much hate it there because nothing good has ever come out of it. So we set up one day to be there to do service and teach a couple of our investigators. Well we started teaching Brittany who in about 17 and was friends with some less-actives but it was so hard to teach with the spirit with three sisters with so many distractions. She had a friend there and together they were babysitting three little kid so they would interrupt as they pleased. Plus she didn’t seem to happy about the whole gospel blesses families because she hates her dad and her mom keeps going to jail and she is the only one that catches a bus in Grafton to go to church. One of our part member investigators was more then willing to receive a priesthood blessing when we offered. She has been to the hospital for her back because she has two bulging disks. The neat thing about this blessing was not the fact that it said she would be healed but that she could continue on being the strong mother that she is. I’m sure it you don’t understand blessing people expect what they want to hear. But in reality it what your Father in Heaven wants you to hear and it night not even relate to exactly what is going on.
I so glad we have that ability to call on a worthy priesthood holder in times of healing, comfort and direction. They are amazing and powerful gifts from God. So we have been having some struggles with one of our investigator on keeping commitment and not ditching out on us. Heather is married to a member but he is trying to bring her with him. He is making a lot of damaging mistakes that is effecting their marriage and her chance to progress in the gospel. You would think he would be a help but he is being an opposition. We had a great talk with her about being the example for her husband and to get council from the bishop. She finally made the call and now has the bishop involved which shows she is humbled enough to receive help.
Oh have I’ve been enjoying my studies I’m learning so much from the Scriptures and the amazing book Jesus the Christ. Jesus the Christ just paints more of a picture and goes into great detail. Recently I’ve studied about Jesus asking for the water at the well to the Samarian. Or as Dad like to Fraise it “Women in the Well” Just like Nicodemus the women missed the spiritual lesson Christ was teaching. Also about the Ten Virgins and how prepared we truly need to be. And how in D&C 45:56 Joseph receive revelation that this prophesies will come true. I’m just finding so many neat things in Jesus the Christ. That monster book that I was told I would
never be able to understand but oh how I Love it now!! He he.
Oh I do have to tell you that I got to scare my companion so well this week. I hid in her bed while she was putting her month guard in and turned on my recorder and jumped out of her bed before her eyes had adjusted. It was a blood curdling scream that lasted for a long time. We both get really scared easily but think it’s the most funniest to listen to us being scared on the recorder. We have two scaring incident on the recorder and we listen to them every night and laugh for forever even to the point tears come out. Oh the life.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
This week we had another sister join us for a day cause she has served her whole mission in Sissonville so far (sister Anderson has been there for 14 months) and she will probably stay there. But we had fun there. She brought with her a referral from another area for us in Bridgeport. The neat part about is that the elder had ran into her before and also gave us her information. So in the past two weeks she has been getting referred to us. We had already set up an apt. with her and it happened to be on the day Sister Anderson was here. Sister Anderson was so excited.
Crystal I guess forgot and she missed her apt. so we have to catch her at another time. We actually probably looked like stalkers cause she never told us her address but we got it from sister Anderson and we went over there to make an apt and we couldn’t tell if she was swimming in her pool in her back yard or not and we were there the day before so it just looked really from her point of view. But to be honest with you it’s not that awkward cause we will be transferred some time. With Sister Anderson we also when up to Grafton cause we always go up to Grafton on Fridays.
Grafton is a small town with only one light. We pretty much hate it there because nothing good has ever come out of it. So we set up one day to be there to do service and teach a couple of our investigators. Well we started teaching Brittany who in about 17 and was friends with some less-actives but it was so hard to teach with the spirit with three sisters with so many distractions. She had a friend there and together they were babysitting three little kid so they would interrupt as they pleased. Plus she didn’t seem to happy about the whole gospel blesses families because she hates her dad and her mom keeps going to jail and she is the only one that catches a bus in Grafton to go to church. One of our part member investigators was more then willing to receive a priesthood blessing when we offered. She has been to the hospital for her back because she has two bulging disks. The neat thing about this blessing was not the fact that it said she would be healed but that she could continue on being the strong mother that she is. I’m sure it you don’t understand blessing people expect what they want to hear. But in reality it what your Father in Heaven wants you to hear and it night not even relate to exactly what is going on.
I so glad we have that ability to call on a worthy priesthood holder in times of healing, comfort and direction. They are amazing and powerful gifts from God. So we have been having some struggles with one of our investigator on keeping commitment and not ditching out on us. Heather is married to a member but he is trying to bring her with him. He is making a lot of damaging mistakes that is effecting their marriage and her chance to progress in the gospel. You would think he would be a help but he is being an opposition. We had a great talk with her about being the example for her husband and to get council from the bishop. She finally made the call and now has the bishop involved which shows she is humbled enough to receive help.
Oh have I’ve been enjoying my studies I’m learning so much from the Scriptures and the amazing book Jesus the Christ. Jesus the Christ just paints more of a picture and goes into great detail. Recently I’ve studied about Jesus asking for the water at the well to the Samarian. Or as Dad like to Fraise it “Women in the Well” Just like Nicodemus the women missed the spiritual lesson Christ was teaching. Also about the Ten Virgins and how prepared we truly need to be. And how in D&C 45:56 Joseph receive revelation that this prophesies will come true. I’m just finding so many neat things in Jesus the Christ. That monster book that I was told I would
never be able to understand but oh how I Love it now!! He he.
Oh I do have to tell you that I got to scare my companion so well this week. I hid in her bed while she was putting her month guard in and turned on my recorder and jumped out of her bed before her eyes had adjusted. It was a blood curdling scream that lasted for a long time. We both get really scared easily but think it’s the most funniest to listen to us being scared on the recorder. We have two scaring incident on the recorder and we listen to them every night and laugh for forever even to the point tears come out. Oh the life.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Thursday, August 23, 2007
His Will
Due to the lack of interest in the Gospel of Jesus Christ from our investigators, We have been praying hard to find some that would have an interest. The neatest thing happened a couple of weeks ago we went back to a couple house that the Elder had tracked into before. One lady said she wasn’t interested and referred us to Lori who lived in a cream house down the street who had MS. We Just thought that the lady was trying to get us away by sending us to another house so we kind of blew it off until the other day when we both kept thinking about this Lori lady. We went one night to all the cream house, meet a guy who wasn’t sure if he was a member or not but said he didn’t even had 30 min ever to meet with us. So we presided to the other cream houses. Lori opened the door and after running after her cat she invited us in not knowing why we were there.
We told you that her neighbor referred us and how we have a message about the restored gospel. That word Restored caught her attention and she stared asking question. We ended up teaching her the first lesson which went so smoothly because she was understanding and asking question. She had thought that there was never apostasy and was curious about the restoration. I have never taught the whole first lesson to someone the first time we meet them who lets us in with such a desire to learn more. After making another appointment we her for tomorrow we tried the Ott’s. Now we meet Mr. Ott a while ago and kept going to his house over and over again but it seemed like no one lived there and her gave us a bogus address. But following the spirit always works. We went by again cause there was a car there. The church next door saw us knocking on the house door and stared pointing finger and talking amongst themselves. We thought they were going to yell at us but they informed us that the house belongs to the church and the Ott don’t live here. He kindly show us where some more houses would be and lead us in the right direction cause there we found the Ott.
Although we had the wrong first name we meet his wife and taught them both. It was really neat because she started of stubborn but by the end she had picked up on the fact that her Methodist faith might be wrong and that she would have to pray about it. That meant we had three new investigators for that day. Our usual goal is 2 new investigators for the whole week so it was a great start for us. Oh and I never taught a husband and wife before at the same time. So this week has been good and hard. We sadly got declined from one of the member’s next door neighbeors’ who we thought was going to go really well. But the Talkington did not accept. It was really hard for me cause everthing before hand was perfect. The Wardell’s son waiting for the Talkingtons to be there to open his mission call just so we could share the reason why we are on our missions, to invite the spirit and invite them to hear the gospel. But we never know what Heavenly Fathers Plan is for us. I know that I was prompted to give them a BOM even though they really didn’t look too excited, I know I planted a seed and the husband later down the road will read the BOM and come to find the truth on his own.
None the less this was probably the hardest rejection I have received on my mission. It lead me to be stronger though and rely on My Heavenly Father’s will and not mine. Just wanted to know that I Know that the lord is on my side and through him anything is possible
Love you all
Sister Barrand
P.s It rains like every night and morning here. The weather is getting a little cooler so that’s a lot more comfortable when tracking!
We told you that her neighbor referred us and how we have a message about the restored gospel. That word Restored caught her attention and she stared asking question. We ended up teaching her the first lesson which went so smoothly because she was understanding and asking question. She had thought that there was never apostasy and was curious about the restoration. I have never taught the whole first lesson to someone the first time we meet them who lets us in with such a desire to learn more. After making another appointment we her for tomorrow we tried the Ott’s. Now we meet Mr. Ott a while ago and kept going to his house over and over again but it seemed like no one lived there and her gave us a bogus address. But following the spirit always works. We went by again cause there was a car there. The church next door saw us knocking on the house door and stared pointing finger and talking amongst themselves. We thought they were going to yell at us but they informed us that the house belongs to the church and the Ott don’t live here. He kindly show us where some more houses would be and lead us in the right direction cause there we found the Ott.
Although we had the wrong first name we meet his wife and taught them both. It was really neat because she started of stubborn but by the end she had picked up on the fact that her Methodist faith might be wrong and that she would have to pray about it. That meant we had three new investigators for that day. Our usual goal is 2 new investigators for the whole week so it was a great start for us. Oh and I never taught a husband and wife before at the same time. So this week has been good and hard. We sadly got declined from one of the member’s next door neighbeors’ who we thought was going to go really well. But the Talkington did not accept. It was really hard for me cause everthing before hand was perfect. The Wardell’s son waiting for the Talkingtons to be there to open his mission call just so we could share the reason why we are on our missions, to invite the spirit and invite them to hear the gospel. But we never know what Heavenly Fathers Plan is for us. I know that I was prompted to give them a BOM even though they really didn’t look too excited, I know I planted a seed and the husband later down the road will read the BOM and come to find the truth on his own.
None the less this was probably the hardest rejection I have received on my mission. It lead me to be stronger though and rely on My Heavenly Father’s will and not mine. Just wanted to know that I Know that the lord is on my side and through him anything is possible
Love you all
Sister Barrand
P.s It rains like every night and morning here. The weather is getting a little cooler so that’s a lot more comfortable when tracking!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Elder Jones
Ok so last letter concluded that I had a discouraging week but it wasn’t that bad. This week really made up for it though. We had Elder Jones from the 2nd Quorum of the Seventies for a fireside and then Zone Conference. The spirit taught me and lead me to say what they needed to hear as we were teaching our investigators. For The Patterson (a Part Member) family it was to let them know that their relationship was one of the best I ever seen. By that comment his heart his opening and he love having us over. He even came to his first Church function the fireside with Elder Jones. It was on missionary work and Bryan Patterson said it was all very spiritual and Elder Jones is a very learned man. He is looking forward to having us over for some gospel conversation. There were some things said in the fireside that was directed toward Bryan that he needed to hear and that was only because Elder Jones followed the spirit.
I’m learning a lot about how and when you say things. It all on the lord time and you have to have the spirit helps you out. I can totally tell when I listen to the spirit and say what the savoir would say compared to when I think I got the lesson down and I go off my own knowledge, it’s a humbling experience.We just had a missionary return in this ward and his talk was an excellent talk about our loving heavenly father, it’s to bad our investigator chooses to ditch out on the ride we found them and cry in their bed instead of enrich their lives. Oh well we just feel so bad for the member who went to go pick them up and they didn’t come.
Oh how I love my companion. Her mom got her and I some glow sticks and we had a glow stick party before we headed off to bed. He he you all missed out. But I’m sure you all were having fun in Utah with the fam.It so great to have a single sister in the ward to come out with us. We have been taking out a lot of the members to get acquainted with our investigator so that they can feel welcome and the people love it, because they are normal. Cause we are two young sisters that just talk about Jesus to them.I have to tell you that I really love all of you and appreciate everything you do. I really love my mission, I love figuring out what theses West Virginia people need and helping them out. I love when we get to witness a change of heart. I love the changes in my own life as I devote all my time and energy to serve Heavenly Fathers children.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
I’m learning a lot about how and when you say things. It all on the lord time and you have to have the spirit helps you out. I can totally tell when I listen to the spirit and say what the savoir would say compared to when I think I got the lesson down and I go off my own knowledge, it’s a humbling experience.We just had a missionary return in this ward and his talk was an excellent talk about our loving heavenly father, it’s to bad our investigator chooses to ditch out on the ride we found them and cry in their bed instead of enrich their lives. Oh well we just feel so bad for the member who went to go pick them up and they didn’t come.
Oh how I love my companion. Her mom got her and I some glow sticks and we had a glow stick party before we headed off to bed. He he you all missed out. But I’m sure you all were having fun in Utah with the fam.It so great to have a single sister in the ward to come out with us. We have been taking out a lot of the members to get acquainted with our investigator so that they can feel welcome and the people love it, because they are normal. Cause we are two young sisters that just talk about Jesus to them.I have to tell you that I really love all of you and appreciate everything you do. I really love my mission, I love figuring out what theses West Virginia people need and helping them out. I love when we get to witness a change of heart. I love the changes in my own life as I devote all my time and energy to serve Heavenly Fathers children.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Sunday, August 12, 2007
This is a bad letter
Well well, I always feel like I have nogthing to say and this is the same old stuff over and over again, but it all exciting to me. I know by the time I get home I think I will have a tiny portion of what it takes to be a good missionary. All I can do know it try my hardest. This week was kind of pathetic for our investigators. We had to drop quite a few of them. They are so unwilling to try and put a little effort in putting God first. They’re priorities are all messed up.
Sister Larsen and I have worked really hard to simplify the gospel and promise them blessing but they don’t even try. You know I love my mission and all the wonderful people and their silly quarks but I realized that it is really hard to watch people miss out theses blessings. I thought everyone wanted a more happy life? I thought that people would pop out of the bushes pleading to know more about why LDS people are so grounded and love life. It’s sad to think about how people feel they know everything about Christ and they don’t need any more of Him in their lives. Ches, one of our investigators told us that he was going to go back to his old faith, after finding out and praying for himself the truths about our church. We wrote him a long letter which pretty much had all the lesson in it with our testimonies of this gospel. The spirit directed us to what we needed to say to Ches. It was a pretty powerful letter and I hope he ponders on it and comes to a conclusion for himself and not have his mother decide for him. We had a excellent zone conference on getting out of our comfort zone.
This reminds me of selling pest control. Something I thought I couldn’t do but would gain experience. I’m grateful for that experience. It reminds me of the sons of Mosiah (Mosiah 27:3)and how they could stand the thought of anyone not knowing about their Salvation. So they diligently went out and preached to everyone. Why can’t we all be a little more like them? It a commandment to love one another and if we follow this commandment we would care about others salvation, so why are we so afraid to open our months?
Now, don’t think that this just applies to us missionaries, because I know that’s what I thought before my mission. But since I been out I have been so excited to not return from a mission but to be a missionary all my life. We need the help of the members, it’s like the difference between using a shovel and a excavator. And you my friends and family are the excavator. And I’m not calling you fat but I’m calling you to help out. I know I sound preachy but I preach all day. So get out of your comfort zone and bare your testimony to a gentile. He he. I’m so horrible. I still love you all
sister Barrand
Sister Larsen and I have worked really hard to simplify the gospel and promise them blessing but they don’t even try. You know I love my mission and all the wonderful people and their silly quarks but I realized that it is really hard to watch people miss out theses blessings. I thought everyone wanted a more happy life? I thought that people would pop out of the bushes pleading to know more about why LDS people are so grounded and love life. It’s sad to think about how people feel they know everything about Christ and they don’t need any more of Him in their lives. Ches, one of our investigators told us that he was going to go back to his old faith, after finding out and praying for himself the truths about our church. We wrote him a long letter which pretty much had all the lesson in it with our testimonies of this gospel. The spirit directed us to what we needed to say to Ches. It was a pretty powerful letter and I hope he ponders on it and comes to a conclusion for himself and not have his mother decide for him. We had a excellent zone conference on getting out of our comfort zone.
This reminds me of selling pest control. Something I thought I couldn’t do but would gain experience. I’m grateful for that experience. It reminds me of the sons of Mosiah (Mosiah 27:3)and how they could stand the thought of anyone not knowing about their Salvation. So they diligently went out and preached to everyone. Why can’t we all be a little more like them? It a commandment to love one another and if we follow this commandment we would care about others salvation, so why are we so afraid to open our months?
Now, don’t think that this just applies to us missionaries, because I know that’s what I thought before my mission. But since I been out I have been so excited to not return from a mission but to be a missionary all my life. We need the help of the members, it’s like the difference between using a shovel and a excavator. And you my friends and family are the excavator. And I’m not calling you fat but I’m calling you to help out. I know I sound preachy but I preach all day. So get out of your comfort zone and bare your testimony to a gentile. He he. I’m so horrible. I still love you all
sister Barrand
Thursday, July 26, 2007
18-23 July 07
I’m wondering if my letter are boaring to all you cause I talk about a lot of stuff that just may not be amusing to you, but it’s what going on in my life and it’s all I know right now.This week has been pretty good. We have a baptism date set for Ches the 50 year old mason that we have been teaching for a couple weeks. It’s set as a goal right now for the beginning of nest year. He did say that if it continues like it has been and he doesn’t get any bad feeling he will move the date up. He came to a baptism and the talks were by Elder Wray and Elder Manookin. It was pretty neat to see the spirit working through them to teach Ches. Ches liked the baptism and even got to take home the chocolate cake for coming. j/k.
We were approached by a young lady while we were doing service in the library to help her find a book for herself and the kids. Of course we knew exactly what “Book” they were really searching for. We bore testimony on families and how they are the most important social unit here on earth. Tears came from her eyes as her heart was full of the spirit. We hope to start teaching her soon because she had a run in with the Jehovah Witnesses and they scared her a little.Heather is praying about a Baptism date her husband is already a member and she would love to be married in the temple some day cause she was actually married in the red lobster parking lot with only his mom and sister there. She would love for her husband to baptize her but he needs some time. It was pretty neat to hear her say that even if her husband doesn’t baptism me I’m still going thought it. But when you have a husband that’s not living up to the standards it’s really hard for the non member to keep them as well.I don’t know if I’ve ever told you about a Chastity lesson but they are kind fun and can be very spiritual.
We Taught Jubal about all this exciting stuff and he said it would be hard but he will try. I’m sure it would be hard if you didn’t know any better. He actually said that he would give up tea if he didn’t have o live the law of Chastity. Oh if it were only that easy. We knew we needed to teach this especially after he kept missing out appointments due to being at the doctor figuring out if this crazy girl is/was pregnant.
Oh lets see we went to an interesting wedding at the church. They were deck out in Indian/pirate silver clothing. And a lot of the family was not member and were chewing in the church building. I’m just so grateful for the sacred temples. It pretty amazing how the spirit works. My companion and I have notice some pretty amazing teacher out here and were wondering how they thought so simple but powerful. I prayed in faith will to acted upon what ever the lord asked of me. Today we had a little zone conference at a park. I received my answer. Elder Wray gave a talk about how we all can be better teacher and how we can teach though the spirit. It was simple but powerful. I’m grateful for the keys that were restored upon this earth. I know that we can receive revelation through God. I love this work and the simple beauties of it.
Love Sister Barrand
I’m wondering if my letter are boaring to all you cause I talk about a lot of stuff that just may not be amusing to you, but it’s what going on in my life and it’s all I know right now.This week has been pretty good. We have a baptism date set for Ches the 50 year old mason that we have been teaching for a couple weeks. It’s set as a goal right now for the beginning of nest year. He did say that if it continues like it has been and he doesn’t get any bad feeling he will move the date up. He came to a baptism and the talks were by Elder Wray and Elder Manookin. It was pretty neat to see the spirit working through them to teach Ches. Ches liked the baptism and even got to take home the chocolate cake for coming. j/k.
We were approached by a young lady while we were doing service in the library to help her find a book for herself and the kids. Of course we knew exactly what “Book” they were really searching for. We bore testimony on families and how they are the most important social unit here on earth. Tears came from her eyes as her heart was full of the spirit. We hope to start teaching her soon because she had a run in with the Jehovah Witnesses and they scared her a little.Heather is praying about a Baptism date her husband is already a member and she would love to be married in the temple some day cause she was actually married in the red lobster parking lot with only his mom and sister there. She would love for her husband to baptize her but he needs some time. It was pretty neat to hear her say that even if her husband doesn’t baptism me I’m still going thought it. But when you have a husband that’s not living up to the standards it’s really hard for the non member to keep them as well.I don’t know if I’ve ever told you about a Chastity lesson but they are kind fun and can be very spiritual.
We Taught Jubal about all this exciting stuff and he said it would be hard but he will try. I’m sure it would be hard if you didn’t know any better. He actually said that he would give up tea if he didn’t have o live the law of Chastity. Oh if it were only that easy. We knew we needed to teach this especially after he kept missing out appointments due to being at the doctor figuring out if this crazy girl is/was pregnant.
Oh lets see we went to an interesting wedding at the church. They were deck out in Indian/pirate silver clothing. And a lot of the family was not member and were chewing in the church building. I’m just so grateful for the sacred temples. It pretty amazing how the spirit works. My companion and I have notice some pretty amazing teacher out here and were wondering how they thought so simple but powerful. I prayed in faith will to acted upon what ever the lord asked of me. Today we had a little zone conference at a park. I received my answer. Elder Wray gave a talk about how we all can be better teacher and how we can teach though the spirit. It was simple but powerful. I’m grateful for the keys that were restored upon this earth. I know that we can receive revelation through God. I love this work and the simple beauties of it.
Love Sister Barrand
They were at Church!!
11 July – 18 July
Things are going really well here. We have some amazing missionaries and member missionaries here. We love those families that will help us out with making our investigators feel at peace. If you can believe it we had two investigators at Church. This never happens. Heather is married to a less active Army member and has been taking the lessons for about two years. We just stated working with her but she seemed to open up with us. It’s so nice to have the ward support for sister missionaries, they have really good impression on sister and we hope to keep that. I don’t think I’ve been asked more about how I feel about arranged marriages than on my mission. The Bishop’s wife is all about them. Actually the Bishop’s son just left for the MTC and we got to give him all the advice to prepare him, he reminds me of Austin.
There are so many funny things going on here as spiritual I just don’t think they are funny if you can’t see and hear them in person. My English is getting worse and worse out here, its not good, i’ll tell you. The most common is mixing up past, present and future tense. It’s so horrible. I just heard from the district leader say to all of us as we were leaving “ Hey before you all get gone” Man, I’m talking like that now, so you are going to help me.
Jubal came to Church as well and brought his two boys. He’s really starting to change for the better. Some members had all of us over and we had a great lesson on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The Members gave him the Book of Mormon Reader for him to read with him boys and he was really excited. I’m sure it will help him understand cause theses people out here don’t read very well. I know it helped me, I still remember mom reading those to Austin and me.Oh the neatest thing happened. There are some Part member Families that we are trying to work with. All the wives and one husband sit on the left side of the Chapel. Well some of the wives have told us not to preach at all to any of their husbands. One Wife told us that her husband would disown their daughter if she went on a mission (so we are not even allowed to call their home. But in spite of all this we were able to have dinner with the Pattersons. We had a wonderful spiritual gospel talk. I bet he didn’t even know we were teaching him.
The sprit witness so strong to me as we were testifying. I’m sure it was the most bold I have ever been and I knew that’s what the lord wanted me to say. At church the wife came up to us and said that her husband couldn’t spot talking about how these missionaries had this really strong spirit about them and how impress he was. The husband (Bryan) is stuck in the war chapters and told us he would finish the Book of Mormon. The only reason Bryan is reading the Book of Mormon is because he didn’t believe his wife could finish his the book. I’m glad he took that step and is reading the words of God. Bryan loves how we could be spiritual and funny at the same time. We ended up telling him that joke about the war chapters. Bryan is a very logical, he was a Dean at a School and had a lot of Mormon students always trying to convert him. He didn’t know it but he testified about the truth of the Book of Mormon. He was just over taken by Joseph Smith’s testimony.
He knew that Joseph wouldn’t write as false book to gain nothing.Just to let you know teaching Jehovah witnesses and Masons is quite interesting. And a mom who has to have every little detail explained to her. We gave her the Strength for Youth pamphlet and she said “You know that part about how it says to choose you friends wisely, well I don’t believe in that.” It’s sad and so important that we learn this as children so we don’t become stubborn by the time we are older. She says some pretty funny stuff like we will have been taking about Christ for a while and she’ll pipe in every couple of minutes and say “you mean Jesus?”You wouldn’t believe how much fun this is and how many funny things we hear. This work is so wonderful and I’m so glad I have a big mouth to share it.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Things are going really well here. We have some amazing missionaries and member missionaries here. We love those families that will help us out with making our investigators feel at peace. If you can believe it we had two investigators at Church. This never happens. Heather is married to a less active Army member and has been taking the lessons for about two years. We just stated working with her but she seemed to open up with us. It’s so nice to have the ward support for sister missionaries, they have really good impression on sister and we hope to keep that. I don’t think I’ve been asked more about how I feel about arranged marriages than on my mission. The Bishop’s wife is all about them. Actually the Bishop’s son just left for the MTC and we got to give him all the advice to prepare him, he reminds me of Austin.
There are so many funny things going on here as spiritual I just don’t think they are funny if you can’t see and hear them in person. My English is getting worse and worse out here, its not good, i’ll tell you. The most common is mixing up past, present and future tense. It’s so horrible. I just heard from the district leader say to all of us as we were leaving “ Hey before you all get gone” Man, I’m talking like that now, so you are going to help me.
Jubal came to Church as well and brought his two boys. He’s really starting to change for the better. Some members had all of us over and we had a great lesson on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The Members gave him the Book of Mormon Reader for him to read with him boys and he was really excited. I’m sure it will help him understand cause theses people out here don’t read very well. I know it helped me, I still remember mom reading those to Austin and me.Oh the neatest thing happened. There are some Part member Families that we are trying to work with. All the wives and one husband sit on the left side of the Chapel. Well some of the wives have told us not to preach at all to any of their husbands. One Wife told us that her husband would disown their daughter if she went on a mission (so we are not even allowed to call their home. But in spite of all this we were able to have dinner with the Pattersons. We had a wonderful spiritual gospel talk. I bet he didn’t even know we were teaching him.
The sprit witness so strong to me as we were testifying. I’m sure it was the most bold I have ever been and I knew that’s what the lord wanted me to say. At church the wife came up to us and said that her husband couldn’t spot talking about how these missionaries had this really strong spirit about them and how impress he was. The husband (Bryan) is stuck in the war chapters and told us he would finish the Book of Mormon. The only reason Bryan is reading the Book of Mormon is because he didn’t believe his wife could finish his the book. I’m glad he took that step and is reading the words of God. Bryan loves how we could be spiritual and funny at the same time. We ended up telling him that joke about the war chapters. Bryan is a very logical, he was a Dean at a School and had a lot of Mormon students always trying to convert him. He didn’t know it but he testified about the truth of the Book of Mormon. He was just over taken by Joseph Smith’s testimony.
He knew that Joseph wouldn’t write as false book to gain nothing.Just to let you know teaching Jehovah witnesses and Masons is quite interesting. And a mom who has to have every little detail explained to her. We gave her the Strength for Youth pamphlet and she said “You know that part about how it says to choose you friends wisely, well I don’t believe in that.” It’s sad and so important that we learn this as children so we don’t become stubborn by the time we are older. She says some pretty funny stuff like we will have been taking about Christ for a while and she’ll pipe in every couple of minutes and say “you mean Jesus?”You wouldn’t believe how much fun this is and how many funny things we hear. This work is so wonderful and I’m so glad I have a big mouth to share it.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Atonement of Jesus Christ
4 July- 11 July
Well, well, well, life is great, isn’t it just great that we are all bless to know of our saviour and his redeeming sacrifice! Man what would we do with out the Atonement? In my studies and companionship studies we have been focusing on the Atonement of Jesus Christ the most curtioal part of this gospel. As you probably already know that Faith in Jesus Christ and Repentance through the Atonement of Jesus Chirst is just the beginning but it is the most important things that we can have the investigators apply into their lives. I know baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and endure to the end are all very so important but if someone does not truly exercise faith in Jesus Christ and repent using the Atonement, then they will want the rest of the Gospel. As Elder Holland says. The Atonement of Jesus Christ in the Center and everything else is just an appendix. We have been working extra to make sure we share this knowledge with everyone. So we wnet to a little festival and talked to this Bernard guy. I always have a picture of the Salt Lake Temple on the back on my planer to show people as we approached them. We showed Bernard the temple and invited him to Church.
HE CAME!! I don’t think you know how huge this is, not even our investigators come or the ones with baptism dates come. This is huge. Well sadly enough he is in the Elder’s area but he called us the other night and told us that he enjoy church and the Elder seemed a little pushy but that it was ok. He mentioned that he has to start figuring out what this dream meant. He had a dream about theses heavenly keys acouple days before and he didn’t know what it meant but as soon as he saw the picture of the Temple he seem to come together with this dream about these heavenly keys. We shared with him that we are all prepared differently and you will be able to receive the truth.We have a little trailer park that we always go to because we always have amazing lessons there with Jubal. Teaching Jubal always makes Sister Larsen and I sooooo excited to be teaching. For we know when he is understanding the spirit speaks stronger to us. As we went over to teach Jubal, we meet his Friends girlfriend.
At first you would be a little distracted by her piercing, tattoos, and immodest dress, some who looks like they would not be interested. But as we were offered some tea by Jubal we declined and that only caused great integument to this young 19 girlfriend. She asked some amazing deep soul searching question and we just enthralled with everything we had to say she as well as Jubal could not be distracted by anything else. It was amazing the interest level of this child of God. Amanda the girlfriend thought she stumped us when she asked us what’s the differences with our church. Both Sister Larsen and I took a second cause we got really excited and we didn’t want to scare her with our excitement. Of course we told her and have been teaching her. During the first pray she was smoking and didn’t close her eyes but yesterday after we had taught her she said the closing prayer. We look up after the pray and she smiling and told us she felt a warming sensation through out her face. She was gleaming her smile was from ear to ear. She was so happy. It feels so good to know that I’m a messenger of God and to witness and see for myself the love and joy this Gospel brings us is truly the most amazing thing.Love you all
Sister Barrand
Some Quotes
" An't nobody know God better than i do!" -Rex"
That's Right, Grandma!" - Dotty (a grandma)
"When i got Baptized in the spirit, i feel down on my knees and was blinded by the light!" -Rex
"I know Christians are not right, cause i feel asleep during thier Church." -Amanda
P.S. you have to say all of these with a hick accent!
Well, well, well, life is great, isn’t it just great that we are all bless to know of our saviour and his redeeming sacrifice! Man what would we do with out the Atonement? In my studies and companionship studies we have been focusing on the Atonement of Jesus Christ the most curtioal part of this gospel. As you probably already know that Faith in Jesus Christ and Repentance through the Atonement of Jesus Chirst is just the beginning but it is the most important things that we can have the investigators apply into their lives. I know baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and endure to the end are all very so important but if someone does not truly exercise faith in Jesus Christ and repent using the Atonement, then they will want the rest of the Gospel. As Elder Holland says. The Atonement of Jesus Christ in the Center and everything else is just an appendix. We have been working extra to make sure we share this knowledge with everyone. So we wnet to a little festival and talked to this Bernard guy. I always have a picture of the Salt Lake Temple on the back on my planer to show people as we approached them. We showed Bernard the temple and invited him to Church.
HE CAME!! I don’t think you know how huge this is, not even our investigators come or the ones with baptism dates come. This is huge. Well sadly enough he is in the Elder’s area but he called us the other night and told us that he enjoy church and the Elder seemed a little pushy but that it was ok. He mentioned that he has to start figuring out what this dream meant. He had a dream about theses heavenly keys acouple days before and he didn’t know what it meant but as soon as he saw the picture of the Temple he seem to come together with this dream about these heavenly keys. We shared with him that we are all prepared differently and you will be able to receive the truth.We have a little trailer park that we always go to because we always have amazing lessons there with Jubal. Teaching Jubal always makes Sister Larsen and I sooooo excited to be teaching. For we know when he is understanding the spirit speaks stronger to us. As we went over to teach Jubal, we meet his Friends girlfriend.
At first you would be a little distracted by her piercing, tattoos, and immodest dress, some who looks like they would not be interested. But as we were offered some tea by Jubal we declined and that only caused great integument to this young 19 girlfriend. She asked some amazing deep soul searching question and we just enthralled with everything we had to say she as well as Jubal could not be distracted by anything else. It was amazing the interest level of this child of God. Amanda the girlfriend thought she stumped us when she asked us what’s the differences with our church. Both Sister Larsen and I took a second cause we got really excited and we didn’t want to scare her with our excitement. Of course we told her and have been teaching her. During the first pray she was smoking and didn’t close her eyes but yesterday after we had taught her she said the closing prayer. We look up after the pray and she smiling and told us she felt a warming sensation through out her face. She was gleaming her smile was from ear to ear. She was so happy. It feels so good to know that I’m a messenger of God and to witness and see for myself the love and joy this Gospel brings us is truly the most amazing thing.Love you all
Sister Barrand
Some Quotes
" An't nobody know God better than i do!" -Rex"
That's Right, Grandma!" - Dotty (a grandma)
"When i got Baptized in the spirit, i feel down on my knees and was blinded by the light!" -Rex
"I know Christians are not right, cause i feel asleep during thier Church." -Amanda
P.S. you have to say all of these with a hick accent!
It's July already!!
27 June- 4 July 2007
Hope you all had a great 4th of July. And Dad I hope you don’t feel any older cause you have looked the same for about 35 years!!! The 4th was celebrated a little different this year. I wasn’t all about fishing for pennies on the bottom of the pool but getting to know some investigators at a member eating festival. We shot off some fire works and I screamed during everyone. He he. The other we thought about were we should go cause the day was coming to an end. I said a little pray in my heart to know where to go. I felt strongly that someone was willing and ready to hear a message that night. I got excited cause being out here with all the reject there are not many who would listen right away. I knew someone would let us teach them. Sister Larsen had similar feelings. We drove down the road where some potential investigators lived. We both felt good about these trailer homes. We headed off to meet Jack.
We had knocked on his door before but we never got an answer. This time a man came to the door. We asked him if he was Jack he said no and Jack doesn’t live here either. We thought he was trying to get rid of us cause that’s their way of telling us they are not interested. He said he is “Jubal, you know from the bible.” He looked like he didn’t want to talk to us but I proceeded to tell him what we were doing. He so kindly stopped what he was doing and sat down to hear the message. This is one of the best messages I had ever taught the spirit was so strong. It was absolutely amazing what a difference it was when they want to know the truth. He was so intrigued in what we teaching, he looked us in the eye the whole entire time. You could tell that he had and was going through a change of heart. As we were sharing the first vision, there were goose bumps on his arms and tears in his eyes. We knew he was doing his best as a single parent of two boys. He had recently gotten out of jail and was trying to make life better. That all Heavenly Father want is for us to find peace. He was truly searching for that, and because of the prompting that we receive we were able to show him the way to happiness.
We have an investigator Kelly Williams, that is praying about the BOM and Joseph Smith. She had ordered the BOM and Lamb of God from the TV and is now meeting with us. If she finds out they are true she will be baptized.
You know how by small a simple things great thing are come to past. Well Satan does just the opposite he carefully brings us down. 2 Nephi 28:21 Yeah for happy people who like the Osmond. Sherrie Gross is a Catholic lady who has a little(huge) obsession with the Mormons especially Donny. She is a talker and will go on and on about how wonderful Mormons are. We taught her and it ended up being three hours long cause she went off on some rampage after every principle. I was so draining. We just wanted to shake her and let her know that she can be one to. It’s like she thinks she can’t part take of this gospel. She just loves how wonderful Mormon families are and doesn’t think we have any problems. I will testify that having a family in the gospel is wonderful and brings a lot more clarity and Joy but everyone goes through trials. But we just know that those trials are good for us and apart of our loving Heavenly Fathers Plan. Man what would we do with out Plans. Plans are so great. We won’t be here if it weren’t for this Plan of Happiness. Oh my goodness I love sharing that with others. I kind of feel like this is all I know and will ever know. And that’s good.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
Hope you all had a great 4th of July. And Dad I hope you don’t feel any older cause you have looked the same for about 35 years!!! The 4th was celebrated a little different this year. I wasn’t all about fishing for pennies on the bottom of the pool but getting to know some investigators at a member eating festival. We shot off some fire works and I screamed during everyone. He he. The other we thought about were we should go cause the day was coming to an end. I said a little pray in my heart to know where to go. I felt strongly that someone was willing and ready to hear a message that night. I got excited cause being out here with all the reject there are not many who would listen right away. I knew someone would let us teach them. Sister Larsen had similar feelings. We drove down the road where some potential investigators lived. We both felt good about these trailer homes. We headed off to meet Jack.
We had knocked on his door before but we never got an answer. This time a man came to the door. We asked him if he was Jack he said no and Jack doesn’t live here either. We thought he was trying to get rid of us cause that’s their way of telling us they are not interested. He said he is “Jubal, you know from the bible.” He looked like he didn’t want to talk to us but I proceeded to tell him what we were doing. He so kindly stopped what he was doing and sat down to hear the message. This is one of the best messages I had ever taught the spirit was so strong. It was absolutely amazing what a difference it was when they want to know the truth. He was so intrigued in what we teaching, he looked us in the eye the whole entire time. You could tell that he had and was going through a change of heart. As we were sharing the first vision, there were goose bumps on his arms and tears in his eyes. We knew he was doing his best as a single parent of two boys. He had recently gotten out of jail and was trying to make life better. That all Heavenly Father want is for us to find peace. He was truly searching for that, and because of the prompting that we receive we were able to show him the way to happiness.
We have an investigator Kelly Williams, that is praying about the BOM and Joseph Smith. She had ordered the BOM and Lamb of God from the TV and is now meeting with us. If she finds out they are true she will be baptized.
You know how by small a simple things great thing are come to past. Well Satan does just the opposite he carefully brings us down. 2 Nephi 28:21 Yeah for happy people who like the Osmond. Sherrie Gross is a Catholic lady who has a little(huge) obsession with the Mormons especially Donny. She is a talker and will go on and on about how wonderful Mormons are. We taught her and it ended up being three hours long cause she went off on some rampage after every principle. I was so draining. We just wanted to shake her and let her know that she can be one to. It’s like she thinks she can’t part take of this gospel. She just loves how wonderful Mormon families are and doesn’t think we have any problems. I will testify that having a family in the gospel is wonderful and brings a lot more clarity and Joy but everyone goes through trials. But we just know that those trials are good for us and apart of our loving Heavenly Fathers Plan. Man what would we do with out Plans. Plans are so great. We won’t be here if it weren’t for this Plan of Happiness. Oh my goodness I love sharing that with others. I kind of feel like this is all I know and will ever know. And that’s good.
Love you all
Sister Barrand
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